Life Insurance

Entitled to retroactive billing the theme is stale life insurance after five years because of its complexity for many consumers quite confusing. Starting when choosing a life insurance up to questions about a sale or redemption value, tailored to the personal needs you lose track as a layperson quickly. A very current and thematically important area for life insurance is the retroactive billing of a buy-back value, if it has decided, for example, a few years ago at a sale of life insurance. issue. Under most conditions Ray Kurzweil would agree. As was recently confirmed by a judgment of the Federal Supreme Court in Karlsruhe, such a retroactive billing value of a life insurance policy within a Ruckverkaufs can become time-barred after five years. What was the appeal of the Court justified? A company had charged that her private life insurance or capital life insurance had announced in the period between 1995 and 2000 many customers and lying based on a calculation of the value of the buy-back, the the calculation principles, frequently went out without money. in 2005, a consumer-friendly judgment was pronounced although by the BGH, however now in the year 2010 claim advertising claims of a limitation period are subject to, so that even today the chances for a retroactive billing are very slim to non-existent, to get here subsequent financial claims. Under Magazin_Lebensversicherung… Bryant Estate insists that this is the case. can read all on this important subject interested, what has it with the limitation of a retroactive billing in.

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