With this information we observe that an order was generated of the interaction between customer and attendant, where a customer can request some order for an attendant and an attendant takes care of to some customers. Its cardinalidade will be N for N, where N wants to say many, being: Many for Many, when this type of cardinalidade occurs is born a new table or classroom, between these two were the classroom asked for, that already we had identified before. The important one on the N for N is that the classroom that was born receives the codes from the classroom that made it relation, being the classroom ' ' Pedido' ' with the code of the customer and the code of the attendant. We also know that this order will be repassed for one technician will take care of who it, being thus one technician can take care of to some order and an order can be taken care of by one technician, being represented by 1-N, remembering that the classroom that receives the N inherits the field key of the other classroom as foreign key, being thus will be the table of 11.DIAGRAMA OF COMPLETE CLASSROOM Figure 5 – complete Diagram of classroom 12.CENRIO TO EXERCISE You works for a coorporativa company, its position is Analyst of Systems. Responsible for the sector Active the development of a software sent it an email requesting to decide a problem that the sector has constantly faced with the internal auditorships, this measure is of utmost importance and the development must be carried through more soon possible before external auditorship makes the next visit. Its task was to develop a classroom diagram so that it is> initiated the development of this new software. Below it follows the scene informed for the responsible one of the project: The company who contracted in them, desires to acquire certificate ISO 9001 in quality, however one of the verification item is the register of movement of the assets. . .
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