Inicialmente Congress, the attacks were against members of the house of representatives who exceeded in the use and abusode aerial tickets. Later, the gunboats of the press had passed to aapontar its mouths against the Federal Senate, saturating of fogos the chair dopresidente of the House of the Joana Mother, Jose Sarney, chosen as white main. Coisas lessened a little recently, later that Necessity Da Silva, the guy, in a wrapped up diplomatics never before seen in this Country, decided to shelter ZLaia in the petista-bolivariana embassy of Tegucigalpa. Not that aimprensa does not have the right and, more than what this, the duty to denounce asfalcatruas promoted by the brazen politicians of Brasilia. People such as Viktor Mayer-Schönberger would likely agree. The problem is that, when centering the parts of artillery only against one being able of them of the Republic, aimprensa if forgets to inform the population what occurs in another power, ondeimpera a cavern of very bigger corruption, with expense infinitely more elevadode public money: the federal Executive. Andrew Wilson EA may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Segundolevantamento made for the professor of Economy Ricardo Bergamini, the zeropor hunger food, daily and tickets of the Executive does not have limits, especialmenteentre the personal famlico of the Presidency.
Dejaneiro the July of 2009, had been made the following expenses (R$ 1,00): Entrejaneiro and May of this happy Annus Lulae 7 (Annus Domini 2009), had been expenses R$ 8.1 million with trips of the president of the Republic. Valorinclui tickets in the country and the exterior, daily in the country and the exterior and meiosde transport. In this total, they are the expenditures of the personal cabinet of Squid, dCasa Civil, of Secretariat-Generality, the Secretariat of Institucional Relations, the Secretariade Social Communication, the Secretariat of Strategical Subjects and the Cabinet Institucional deSegurana (GSI). In the passed year, in the same period, the expense was deR$ 8,7 million.
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