Age demarcation was Dusseldorf – the so-called commercial core target group a RTL marketing ploy\”of 14 to 49 year olds is a marketing myth of the private broadcaster RTL. The unveiled the former RTL Vermartungschef ULI Bellieno to the NDR broadcast Zapp already in the last year. \”That didn’t have major impact so far: one looks at the relevant journals, is still the age distinction in the foreground at the publication of TV quotas\”, criticized Hans-Joachim Strauch, Managing Director of the ZDF-Werbefernsehens, at the German trade advertising Congress in Dusseldorf, Germany. The whole thing was a marketing ploy by Helmut Thoma. \”The former RTL Chief have succeeded with his eloquence anchor this target group in the market, Zapp reported: the Kukidents I like to leave the ZDF\”, so the legendary saying of Austria. This was a completely arbitrary definition without scientific basis. Nevertheless, the advertising target group\”the key currency for the Advertising industry.
Since the mid-1980s, billions of euros for television advertising are been squandering annually on completely arbitrary boundaries of a TV chef. Thoma is now feel like the sorcerer’s apprentice, who no longer know what he has reignited. Highly paid media planners, Chief Communications Officer, and advertising experts in public television in agencies and the economy fell out. Even ARD and ZDF ran behind this chimera. Thoma our reasoning had at first enormous gaps\”, admitted in an interview with the mirror.
\”He got the advertising industry suggests: you on the boys have to answer, the first user\”; Therefore you need also not old viewers, because you are brand loyal. But 29 you really don’t need any more of first-time users\”to speak. Also: Who got the money today? The 50 to 65. According to the personnel expert Udo Nadolski, Managing Director of the consulting firm of Harvey, Nash has been first and foremost a very lazy cuckoo’s egg in the nest laying consumer goods industry leave: the cult of youth in advertising was a chimera of Tutti Frutti transmitter and nobody has questioned it on the corporate side.
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