The accident with the R-16 rocket brought some consequences to the Soviet space program. One of them was that Mikhail Yangel, its designer, lost part of its prestige. Before the accident it defied engineer Sergei Korolev and had great possibilities of that he finished for appearing as the designer-head of the Soviet space program. If such happened History would be different, therefore some of the great advances of the Soviets in if treating to developments in the Astronautics had left the brain of Korolev, as the Sputnik satellites and the ships Vostok, Voskhod and the Soyuz. But with the accident, Yangel was assigned for tasks of little brightness, as to give continuity to the R-16 rocket that, in little time, was surpassed by projects of more powerful rockets of Korolev (ZAK, 2010). Other accidents involving not-manned space vehicles that, still thus, had exerted deep influences on the history of the space exploration had been the explosions of the archetypes of the Russian rocket N-1, in the end of the decade of 1960 and beginning of the following decade. This was the most powerful rocket constructed for the man and in height (111 meters) it rivaled with Saturn American north.
However, all the archetypes of the N-1 that had been constructed had finished blowing up in the launching. The rocket only served to produce the biggest explosions of the history of the Astronautics and at least one of them it provoked fatal victims in the ground, even so its number is unknown until today of the press occidental person (WHITE, 2003). With the failure of the N-1 rockets the Soviets had lost any possibility to arrive at the Moon before the North Americans, a time who never would obtain to produce another rocket in time so powerful. The accident that finished in the death it cosmonaut Valentin Bondarenko in 1961, even so has occurred during a space flight, happened during the tests for a manned mission, in way whom it appears in this article, beyond the fact the same to have left consequncias that had affected the manned space flights in the Soviet Union.
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