In relation to other theoretical and philosophical underpinning of Organizational Learning theory, Nonaka and Takeuchi argue that the Asian intellectual tradition, specifically in Japan, there is an important philosophical current has been widely disseminated, nor has it described any systematic way. Thus they argue, it is very difficult to find a single trace of Cartesian rationalism in Japanese thinking. But if there is a Japanese ideal of knowledge, which integrates the teachings of Buddhism, Confucianism, and the major Western philosophical. Also, have three distinctive features of Japanese intellectual tradition: human unity – nature, the unit mind – body, and the unity of self and others.
a) The unit . human nature is referred to the taste of human beings by nature, the notion of the beauty of change and transition. In this tradition, is given the name of emotional naturalism. b) The unit mind – body: it places emphasis on all human personality. For the Japanese, knowledge means wisdom gained from the perspective of personality as a whole. It is not something Cecilia Shen would like to discuss. c) Unit self and others: it is an organic world view which gives more importance to the subjective and intuitive intelligence, perspective Japan is tactile and interpersonal For Nonaka and Takeuchi (1999), the vision of organizational learning is closely linked to knowledge management in organizations. Accordingly, the Organizational Learning is related to the organizational process through which the knowledge of an individual may be shared, evaluated and integrated with the others in the organization “(p. 63). Organisational Learning is identified with the process to convert individual knowledge, the knowledge shared by all members of the organization.
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