Parquet Glue

The search for materials for laying parquet slats is a responsible action, which affects how long will the parquet. Error in this case may lead to a complete dismantling of the entire floor, including the very treatment of solid planks. Existing methods of laying wooden floors can accomplish this in several ways. The bar is glued directly to the screed floor, either through the separation layer of plywood. Plywood used as a compensating layer between the screed and a layer of solid wood. It should be borne in mind that the timber – a "living material" subject to periodic changes of its geometrical dimensions dependent changes in humidity and temperature. Separating layer of plywood to compensate for these variations. However, technology is not standing in place and some time ago, new types of parquet, excluding attaching plywood to the cement screed and glued hardwood strips directly on the ground.

Clay is made based on a modified silicone, contains no water and solvents. The difference between this type of material for the board sex from the other – is that it remains elastic after the seizure. After solidification of the glue between the flooring and the base is formed elastic substrate, which assumes the functions of the plywood. In addition, the adhesive caused by continuous layer, has additional properties – acoustic and moisture barrier. In the Soviet school of parquet – a new technology and not yet widely used. Unlike Europe, where this method of laying a solid board was predominant.

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