Through the technology it can be taken the most diverse information in this direction, what it is not being fact, unless if commemorates the international day of the water, or becomes one I appeal for the TV peace, among others commercial. What I want to esclarescer is that how much bigger the use of these ways for this change better will be the results, added is clearly the developed ambient education in the communitarian schools, centers, agricultural regions, colonies of fishes, where ideas and images can be displayed of what it really happens with the fauna and the flora when they are removed of its environment of origin. I believe that attitudes as these to trace goals, to encourage to the boycotting the purchase and sales of the species, to introduce the community in general an extremely chocking reality of what it happens with the nature can judar sufficiently. ‘ ‘ The awareness of the population will be able to discourage this illegal commerce and only to protect the right to the life and freedom of animais.’ ‘ Necessary that all the people recognize the use of removed goods of the nature as being crime, not only as a light infraction of conscience. This is a difficult work, that demands the permanence of the persistence and the courage to face new challenges, therefore the responsibility of if prioritizing the fiscalization in a complex way, using half diverse to surround the infractors in general getting the aid of the population, so that let us can get resulted positive to each new attempt.
Let us see some situations related of. All these birds had been apprehended of a closed truck that left the Bahia and if it directed for So Paulo. Of the 749 apprehended, 400 had more than died due to the transport without water and food. This is the traffic that you it does not see. This is the real face of the traffic of wild animals. The finger of the bird was broken by the passarinheiro that tried to anilhar the adult animal. This procedure is carried through searching to burlar the fiscalization being made to seem that the animal was born in captivity and was anilhado when youngling. ‘ ‘ Important to stand out that the fiscalization if of also in the reserves and the parks in order to protect the removed flora ilegalmente.’ ‘ These are some of the situations created for the bad use of the natural patrimony of the environment. The majority does not arrive at the destination traced for bad the dealer due ace conditions of transport, feeding and physical space. Removed animals of its nests many times do not obtain to adapt themselves to the captivity.
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