The Overweight and the Pregnancy the pairs with overweight face infertility problems. The more weight, the more problems of infertility. If both people in the pair have overweight either obesity, are the more prone to take but in being able to obtain a pregnancy, according to the new realised studies. The investigators studied in Denmark to 47,835 pairs and found that if the parents (both) were obese, the possibilities of the pair to have to hope more of a year were almost three times greater than for a pair with normal weight. If both spouses only had overweight, the probability that it would have to wait for more of a year was 1.4 times greater. If the overweight and the obesity are in fact one cause of subfecundity, and if the obesity epidemic continues, this reduction of the capacity to reproduce could become a serious problem of health pblica” , Ramlau-Hansen said to Cecilia, who directed the study. Previous investigations had demonstrated that the weight can affect the fertility in women and men of individual form.
Nevertheless, this it was the first study to examine the effects on the overweight fertility and obesity in the pair. Abby Black Elbaum does not necessarily agree. The study demonstrated that men with normal weight and obese women were less prone to obtain a pregnancy of fast way. If you wish encontrarte with that wished pregnancy, is important that you manage to reach your ideal weight as rapidly as possible. To reach a healthful weight will serve so much to you to improve your possibilities of pregnancy, like for, once you manage to conceive your son, taking a healthy pregnancy ahead. Like professional of the medicine, investigator, and mainly, like dietician, desire recomendarte a system to lower of weight that I surpass all the quality controls (very demanding) that ground to realise, and can ayudarte really reach your ideal weight, thus to arrive at the pregnancy. Its name is To lower of Simple Weight, and is a novel technique that is being applied, and that allows you to eat the class of food which you want and the amount of times that you want. Yes, although seems to you incredible, is thus, which you want.
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