Professional Formation

The text book purchase represents the cost higher than they must confront the relative when a new course begins. They exist alternative economic than the purchase of books in the habitual establishments like the rent or the interchange. In order to lower the price of the cost that implies every year to acquire scholastic text books, the Spanish families can decide on other alternatives economic than the direct purchase of books in the commerce and habitual establishments: the rent or the interchange with other users. Both formulas are based on the idea that the books are used only by the period of use of the school year and, therefore, is not necessary to conserve them once finalized this. The purchase of text books represents the cost higher than they must confront the families when a new school year begins. Although in the majority of the independent communities of our country different programs from gratuity are restored (or in the modality of loan or check-I free), generally these aid does not cover total cost of this material and in many cases does not reach to all the educative levels, mainly to the postobligatory studies (Baccalaureate and Professional Formation). How can be lowered the price of the costs of this academic material? Besides the traditional loans or interchanges between relatives and friendly, thanks to which every year an important part of books can be reused, it is possible to extend this practice with other families through different platforms on line either to choose on the other alternative or extended in other countries: the book rent. Rent to 50% Alquilar the text books instead of to buy them new every year is a practice common in almost all the academic levels in other countries, mainly in the United States. In this North American country, the idea began in the university scope as a service between individuals and nowadays the same university bookstores offer this alternative to their users and they are integrated in different networks from book rent, like Rent-a-text, with but of 850 centers of associated studies, or Bookrenter, with more than six million students like users.

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