Because when you renew the battery should be supplied with energy all the time. Only the smallest part of a Milli-second without electricity in the Circuit would result in 100% of data loss. And if you discovered a way to have the voltage of the cells may not fall under ten percent, while they each are soldered and of course virtually no heat should occur wahreddessen, to not damage the battery. Such a procedure is impossible to get outside a laboratory. The technology here is there recently able to return its original capacity to a broken battery. To do this, the internal impedance must be regulated clearly by each individual cell. But only a few (mainly Japanese) works are capable of. In addition, this process is much more complex and thus more expensive than buying a new laptop batteries.
An absurd venture! Our recommendation accordingly: Better buy a newly produced battery at 9. a brand battery lasts for hours to join, there are not yet. To get those numbers, must be the laptop in a cool location and not used be. An objective average for a notebook battery is approximately 2.5 hours. If you however use many programs at the same time, surfed to the example videos take a look at and are open to other applications has, making the notebook processor hardly can keep up, the battery can persevere even less. High capacity batteries create 4 h in normal use approx.. But much more is not to get out of a battery.
10. the final myth to the notebook battery is still open. forward to your proposal to complete the top 10. Write us a familiar rumour that we bishernoch not analyzed via E-mail at. Notebook manufacturers often praise the battery hereby that this incredible maturity amounting to innumerable values can work.
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