Research Subject

Project of Research Subject and delimitation: The type of knowledge of the population of the quarter Luzia Saint (Barrier) in relation to the ttano. Question of research: Which the type of knowledge the population of the quarter Luzia Saint possesss in relation to the forms of contamination, prevention, signals and symptoms of the ttano? General objective: To evaluate the type of knowledge of the population of the quarter Luzia Saint on the ttano. Specific objectives: To evaluate the degree of instruction of the population; To evaluate the quality of life of the population; To evaluate the degree of escolaridade of the population. Hypothesis: The lack of knowledge in relation to the ttano is a contributing factor for the high index of ttano in the city of Barriers. 1.

Introduction the present work deals with an acute pathology infectious, not contagious whose first register of occurrence if gave in century V B.C., giving innumerable clinical descriptions of the illness. However its cause was only discovered in 1884, for Carle and Rattone. The first passive immunization against the illness was implemented during the World War I. The ttano is caused by neurotoxinas produced for a muscular bacterium that invade the nervous cells of the SNC, provoking espasmos muscular and convulsions. Had to the campaigns of infantile vaccination and gestantes, the occurrences of ttano in Brazil had been scrumbled sufficiently, but when it happens to the lethality still is high, mainly for I diagnosis it delayed, leaving of this point we raise the following question of research: Which the type of knowledge the population of the quarter Luzia Saint possesss in relation to the forms of contamination, prevention, signals and symptoms of the ttano? This study it has as objective to evaluate the type of knowledge of the population of the quarter Luzia Saint, as well as evaluating which the degree of instruction of the population, analyzing the quality of life of this population and the degree of escolaridade of the same one.

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