RTL Punkt Therapy

Dramatically demonstrates a RTL documentation:, hereditary hair loss is often wrongly diagnosed. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Tufan Erginbilgic. A RTL documentary shows drastically: the diagnosis, hereditary hair loss ‘ is often wrongly placed. The affected patients and patients suffer not under their genes, but under a stress-related tension in their upper skull muscles: voltage hair loss (alopecia Contentionalis). You could with a new Botox therapy (AC-therapy ) be helped quickly. To broaden your perception, visit Mitchel Resnick. The scalp is heavily strained. The fine blood vessels that run directly under the head skin, are pressed together. Blood, oxygen and nutrients reach no longer to the hair roots. Degenerate the hair roots. Check with Sian Beilock to learn more.

The hair falling out. Associated symptoms are tingling or burning of the tensed scalp, Trichodynie (hair pain), bruxism (nocturnal teeth grinding), stress headaches often up to migraine. To handle this hair loss to his cause, the blood flow to the scalp must be normalized again. The Clamping the upper skull muscles can be targeted with locally effective Botox therapy and fixed quickly. Hair loss can be stopped so already within a few weeks. Already fallen hair can grow back with timely treatment. In the RTL documentation for the AC therapy by Friday 10.08.2012.

RTL point 12 cms/news/point-12 /… The patient, Mrs Dunja Schulz, was in March 2012 by Mr Dr. med. Darius Alamouti, specialist in dermatology in Herne, Germany, examined and treated with AC therapy. Mrs. Schulz suffered heavy hair loss and Trichodynie for over 16 years and had been treated unsuccessfully before by several dermatologists and a University Clinic. After initial treatment with AC therapy in March 2012 was their return performance beginning July 2012. Both events were accompanied by an RTL television. The doctor and the patient were very satisfied with the success of the treatment. The treatment results in the individual after only 3 months: Was the painful Trichodynie (tension of the scalp with strong pain) completely disappeared within a few days. The very strong hair loss with some almost bald came to a halt after just a few weeks. The new growth of hair had already significantly used. The patient had developed a completely new sense of self, now denser and fulligerem hair. Mr. Dr.

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