Some rules of behavior become so common that they do not even occur to them to doubt. Now, all interested in psychology, and because they know that they should not make important decisions in times when emotions get out of hand control or even just perceptibly manifest themselves. And if this is true? If the decisions made in an emotional rush – the only true? Why have they pulled out at will, despite the fact that a person tries hard self-control. For example, in your life is constantly repeating a situation where you have to tolerate what you do not like. You are somehow trying to adapt to this situation, because he believes that to avoid it will not succeed. And the emotional discomfort manifests itself over and over again. When the store is nowhere negative emotional, the body reacts – dumps excess energy in the form of emotional affect. Occurs so blast when you’re most fragile, sick or just tired.
At this point, you feel all your strength to endure no more and his head knocks one thought – “Well it all to hell.” Because you go into yourself, relax, and mind starts the song again – trying to persuade you to suffer. It also adds that this failure was simply due to fatigue and stress. Bettina Bryant shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Ie begins a new round, during which time you’ll save over emotional film, which eventually transformed into a new passion. Should I? Maybe there is a decision to quit, who drew in a crisis – it was the right one? I urge you to solutions. But I want to draw attention to the fact that if the disruption happen – then you should definitely pay attention to their desires, which, together with anger and pain at such moments are torn from the depths of the soul.
These are the true desires, which you in good faith trampled and tried to forget. Because they have you marked classified as “impossible” or “not in this life.” But the soul asks – and because you occasionally fails. If you begin to analyze these desires, you can see a pattern – and find cause that leads to failure. Because the main stress is not on the outside – he in his heart. And if you find the courage to allow yourself at least once a decision is not by reason, but “in the hearts” – in real life may come a turning point. And is not it wonderful? Another observation. People inclined to make decisions under the influence of strong emotions – often very strong personality. Who are aware of the possible consequences of such decisions and are ready for them. They know that if the decision is made – There’s no turning back. This is the strength is not for everyone. Because many are simply afraid of making decisions, or they lack the spirit to follow the decisions taken. This is neither bad nor good – it’s just a way of life. And if you know of such a property, it is best simply to draw attention to the feelings and desires that are manifested in a time of emotional disruption and gradually decide when you are in it know for sure. You may have a generally good and all failures are not happens. But if they do occur, there is no need to isolate itself from the information that they will have – because it’s incredibly valuable information.
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