
Thus the suction effect is emerging from the consumer products over in the investment goods”, confirms Dieter Conzelmann, Director industry solutions market at Bizerba. His company put together a very effective rule. Engineers approach during the initial installation with customers, so that they learn there how the operator is dealing with the device – and the difficulties you encounter. That was very healing, says Conzelmann, who for many years worked in the development. In this way, it was also the use of symbols is as important in the food industry.

Also temporary workers and semi-skilled workers should control safely the machines? Words replaced to the control surfaces, where it went, memorable icons, such as pricing systems. A good example is the basic price, the operator when operating the system must change often. Since you can just instead of the text of base price change ‘ simply a symbol such as a dollar bill “or depict a coin, which then represents that it concerns a sum of money, without the word basic price ‘ to use”, explains campus. Well done for the graduate engineer Anett Dylla from the consulting firm man-Marketin technique is an important criterion: Is, if I’m going for example through a menu, where I perform a certain step and then immediately announced, what is the next step, or it is clear on the basis of symbols, what are the next steps, and come as I systematically and stringently to the destination”, not turn again 25 loops.” The infamous 25 loops know plagued callers especially of voice-driven telephone dialog systems. In a pro himself annoys not less than the normal customer waiting in the wings. Often outdated technology, so Lupo Pape, Managing Director of SemanticEdge in Berlin was to blame.

He works with his companies, to optimize voice dialogues between man and machine. The key was it not only a better speech recognition, the often lack. It could also help to combine important information about the caller and his situation, which already exist in various places, and merge, so that the customer faster to the target. When the system where I call, provided my need, if I call, because I can’t logon to my Internet so for a telecommunications provider, and knows the system that I have previously unsuccessfully tried to login, has measured the line and can respond, then I have a very different user experience”, says Pape. The personalization of the speech dialog systems through the use of many information about the customer right at the beginning and during the dialogue could resolve many problems and concerns against speech dialog systems according to his and make customers satisfied. Whether voice or keyboard input on the screen – the elementary principles for good interface design are always the same in his view. Brought to a common denominator: rather than to fight, to the machine understand want we feel understood by the machine. Editorial NeueNachricht Gunnar Sohn Ettighoffer road 26a 53123 Bonn Tel: 0228 6204474 mobile: 0177 620 44 74 E-Mail: URL:

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