The groups of notice cited they go of great corporations as CNN and BBC to the groups of lesser notice as the Leaf of So Paulo and the Way & Message. Dynamic, objective messages and the previous knowledge of the group of notice are the main reasons so that the interviewed ones decide to follow one another user. With regard to what it dislikes the interviewed ones and stimulates that them to leave to follow a group of notice the answers they had been homogeneous. The interviewed ones had affirmed that she is necessary to have a balance, not to pastor meiosis tweets at the same time, so that they all do not occupy the available space in the page as presentation in figure 2.3. To be long periods without postage’s also influences of negative form. To lose the objectivity, with great messages that receive the signal from ellipses in the end they are ignored, the models of headings teasers does not attract them. It is necessary that they together elaborate a concise sentence in 140 characters with the main information with link for the complete notice.
Asked if they knew the groups of notice before following them in the Twitter, the interviewed ones in its majority already knew the groups of notice and this factor was important in the hour of the decision of would follow or not. But they admit that they had known for the tool new groups of notice that desperate the interest, many times for indications of other enclosed users in the cycle of friendships of the tool. They had admitted that before twitter they visited the site of these groups with an extremely lesser frequency. On the interaction with these groups of notice most of the interviewed ones is not communicated directly with the groups. Either for ‘ ‘ message direta’ ‘ (DM) or for ‘ ‘ answers @’ ‘ (@ Replies) they believe that they will not be answered.
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