Being thus, this is result of its opening for the proper reality, of its integration with the world. That is, the man if adjusts the reality to transform it. We must fight for an education that considers the desalienao of the man who if becomes object, expectador and figurante of its proper history. The man must be subject and, while such, to be active. He must create, recriar, decide, dominate and humanizar the reality. Therefore, the man must know the world to be able to intervene with it, to dialogue with and on it this becomes it a being description. We must become the subject man and remove it of the permanent object condition, of domesticated. Our paper in the world is not only to live what it occurs and to accept everything what in them is placed, she is necessary to be a citizen of occurrences (FREIRE, 2001, p.85).
We learn to intervine in the reality. We do not have, while educators, to generate and to transmit a picture of values that legitimizes dominant interests (MSZAROS, 2005, p.35). For this, we have that to communicate/to divulge this will to change the effective situation, to change everything what it is established, to construct a new vision of world. But, first, it is necessary that the wall of the language between House Great the Senzala is knocked down because without communication that communicates does not have revolution. As well as without an access to an education of quality does not have as to read/to see the way world that acts in it instead of only being in it.
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