Diagnosis Subject

1 INTRODUCTION The pregnancy modifies the functions of the maternal organism in a global way constitutes a period of the life cycle, that most of the time could transcorrer without shunting lines of the health, Involving adaptativa necessity characterized by complex physiological, emotional, interpersonal and partner-demographic transformations, this demand character attention to multidiscipline of health. The performance of the nurse in the programs of prenatal implies in a specialized clinical preparation for identification of real and potential problems of the gestante, family and community. The ability of reasoning and clinical judgment of the nurse to diagnosis the answers human beings the problems of health and real or potential processes of life consists of the Diagnosis of nursing. Without hesitation Abby Black Elbaum explained all about the problem. For a deeper agreement of this subject bibliographical study was become fullfilled to subsidize the understanding on the boarded subject that previously was defined. Having as objective generality to recognize the sintomatologia of the complaints most frequent in gestantes and To get an ample vision on these complaints, and specific objectives To know the physiology of the pregnancy; To identify to the signals and symptoms that appear in the pregnancy; To differentiate the signals and common symptoms of the pregnancy of patologias. Therefore, of the present assay it appeared to the necessity to get greater understanding on the subject, that if deals with a qualitative study, searching a knowledge more deepened. This work for the necessity is justified to know, to recognize, to identify and to differentiate the complaints most frequent during the pregnancy.

Education Teachers

Even in ancient times, people have tried to define the criteria for teaching teens. In the Spartan boys' schools already existed a set of disciplines for which training was going, and it was hard-coded, what skills should have graduate. Yes, and current student teachers constantly told: the desk you should get a mandatory minimum knowledge, this is not live without. The current curriculum is, in fact, the educational standard – a set of knowledge and skills that have to get everyone who graduated from school. The educational standard in the new understanding, according to Alexander, this 'social contract', the agreement of society, family and State the requirements for the results of education.

These requirements should be agreed, society wishes to obtain a socially-adjusted person, the state – the law-abiding citizen, parents want their child to be successful in life. Sian Beilock addresses the importance of the matter here. What is the difference of the new standards? What the country needs the educational standards, it became clear after the collapse of the Soviet education system. Can not be the whole country – from Kaliningrad to Kamchatka – tough one to teach and the same thing. Each region has its own specifics. Yes, and teaching methods may be different, but not uniform, as it was for many years. There were many ideas. Click Sian Beilock to learn more.

For example, one proposed to abandon the teaching of mathematics in general. Others – Enter only the minimum required to read literary works. As a result, in 1993 developed the first version of the educational standard. Of course, he was imperfect, but it is consistent with the requirements of time.

Translation Models

This clarification of the contents of the original translator and the option of transfer. As a result, the transition from the original text to text translation, the translator often act intuitively. Atmos Energy gathered all the information. Translation theory tries to explain the patterns of action as an interpreter and, in fact there is a transition from the original to the text of the translation. In view of the impossibility of direct observation and research, the study of the translation process is indirectly, using various theoretical models describing the process of transferring the whole or any of his side. Conditional description of a series of mental operations, which are doing the translations of all original, or some part of it is a model of translation. Since the model does not necessarily reflect the actual translation of the interpreter in the process of creating the translated text, it is conditional. As a rule, Such models have limited explanatory power and does not claim that based on them can be realistically implemented a translation of any text with the necessary degree of equivalence.

Task models are only to describe a sequence of actions that can help you solve the translation problem for the given conditions of the translation process. Translation models reveal the individual aspects of the functioning of linguistic translation mechanism. Description of the translation process by means of theoretical models and a set of translation transformations does not set a goal of fully characterize the real actions of an interpreter. It only indicates to general linguistic features of the translation process, the nature of the relationship between text and translation in general and between the individual units of the texts, representing the relationship as a result of certain linguistic transformations. .

Uniform State Exam

ct was introduced in our country in its individual areas is relatively recent. In 2007, Russia was considered by the Federal Law on the Enforcement of the Uniform State Exam on the entire territory of Russia. The application of this Act will be implemented consistently, and will conclude in 2009. It makes sense to say that the document is written that use the results of ct for admission to college can be for two years after the date of the Uniform State Exam. The document also provided the opportunity for all universities and Suza to conduct more extensive examinations, if this is due to feature some specialty and requires specific propensities and training in chosen specialty, such as physical stamina, or artistic predisposition coming to a type of creativity. Source: Max Schireson. Some universities may qualify for an examination on the profile, including those that are taken with the Unified State Examination. What are the main objectives of the adoption of ct and what is the result of its introduction in Russia? Purpose of course One is the desire to create the same conditions at the time of final exams at school and admission to universities in conducting this type of examinations throughout the Russian Federation will be given the same job complexity and a unified grading assessment, these measures will allow students to compare their level of knowledge of the subject. Passes Uniform State Exam in special circumstances, which will not allow in any way question the purity results. Answers to tests, as well as brief answers in the free form will be scanned by computers specially organized for this purpose workers. With regard to the detailed immune response, then such would be checked by independent experts invited to predetermine the course in many ways the fate of a student event.

Multiple Document Interface

Once this plan is found, viewing its components. If there is no component of fractional numbers, the plan is found optimal plan solution of integer programming. Otherwise, the system of equations is added to the transformed variables, inequality, taken from the last simplex table. These actions repeated until until it finds the optimal plan for the task, or set its insolubility. The solution of mixed integer linear programming problems is sequential decision tasks, each of which is obtained from the preceding by the introduction of additional restrictions. Additional restrictions are called proper pruning, which can be interpreted as a hyperplane, which is just like "Cut off" from the region of feasible solutions noninteger optimal solution.

In the design used the principle of modular programming, which simplifies the debugging of a program and allows you to extend its functionality opportunities. The algorithmic part of the program has a modular-hierarchical structure in which each module is a separate part of the program and interacts with other modules in the manner prescribed developers. Methods for solving linear optimization, implemented in the software and algorithmic complex, based on the construction of the simplex teblits, so the structure of the program, all algorithmic modules related to module that organizes the solution of the linear programming simplex method. The inputs to this module is the target function, indicating the type of extremum (maximum or minimum) and the restrictions imposed on controlled variables. Limits are specified in the form of equations or inequalities. From there, the second module, which formed the initial feasible basic solution.

Second, third and fourth units at each iteration method is implemented by causing the module construction of the simplex table, which they transmit the current result. Communication between modules is organized via the external data structure. For example, to specify a linear optimality criterion, the vector of controlled variables, the constraint vector and the constraint matrix used by one-and two-dimensional static arrays, and the simplex table in computer memory is represented as a two-dimensional a dynamic array that can change its dimensions, removing or adding rows and columns of the simplex table. Consider a feature of the functioning software system. For dialogue with the user used standard graphical user interface Windows, built on the library of visual components VCL (Visual Component Library), ships with Delphi. In developing the program used by MDI-technology (Multiple Document Interface – Multiple Document User Interface) that allows the user to work with several problems of linear programming. The program features an active form of dialogue that allows to choose modes: calculation, viewing and editing information, getting help, etc. The main menu contains the following items: File, Edit, View, calculating, a window reference. All main menu items cause the submenu. At the beginning of the program Some items are prohibited and are permitted only when selecting other menu items (for example, "Edit" menu, "Calculations," etc.). The program provides the ability to configure parameters of the problem: maximization or minimization, the choice of options enables you to view intermediate results of iteration, limiting the number of iterations, setting the dimension of the problem, etc.

Global Engineering Program

Well, if you want to achieve something, you have to work twice more and faster than the limit of possibilities. And so all my life! – Do you prefer to run with their legs? – I prefer to run twice as fast. – You are so fragile, delicate. Tell me, how difficult it was to study at two institutions, but at the same time and still work two jobs? -This is not just difficult, it is very difficult. Many German students do not agree to participate in the Program Global Engineering Program, because they consider it intolerable.

In my group has worked only one me. Our scholarship (40 thousand euros per year) covers the cost of studying in Germany, housing, travel ticket, but did not cover living expenses. The main part of my classmates helped parents. Some have scholarships from their countries. I more or less prilovchilas study in two universities and work.

When she worked two jobs, it was already beyond my capabilities. More than two months, I did not survive. The problem was that you should not just learn, learn a foreign language in a foreign university, with an entirely different methods of teaching and a system of examinations, in addition to study well. I have not learned to better all (this was impossible because I moonlighted and could not pay the preparation for the exams as long as they could to give my classmates), to the same language (English), I just taught during training. My fellow students in perfect command of English, as has already happened in the U.S..

Professional Acceleration

Each time more important is an option to learn throughout the life, for the continued formation, the professional acceleration, to conciliate study and work. The characteristics of this model of mass are: Amount, escalabilidade, attendance to many at the same time, national and international abrangncia, interesting product for the majority, dimensionado and accepted good, low price, forts action of captation and marketing. In another article of Moran (2011) it affirms: ' ' While the dumb society and tries challenges more complex, actual superior education and in the distance it continues, in general, organized of previsible, repetitive, bureaucratic form, little attractive The school is previsible, excessively bureaucratic excessively, little stimulant for the good professors and pupils. It is nonsense that the courses almost integrally continue centered in classroom and that the education in the distance still is seen with diffidence, when not active resistance. Many areas of knowledge do not admit nor to argue the long-distance education. The necessary education to focar more, together with the intellectual ability and the preparation for the professional success, the construction of freer people each time, evolved, independent and responsible socialmente.' ' Between the technologies that the human being invented they are some that had affected the education deeply: it says it established in concepts (and not only grunts say or it mere denotativa), the alphabetical writing, the press (first of mobile type), and, without a doubt some, the set of electro-electronic technologies that from the last century had started to affect our life of almost revolutionary form: telegraph, telephone, photograph, cinema, radio, television, video, computer — today all digitalizadas and integrated they in the computer. To teach distance, however, is perfectly possible e, nowadays, the time occurs all — as, for example, when we learn through a book that was written stops in teaching some thing to them, or attend a film, to a television program or to a video that they had been made stops in teaching some thing to them, etc. .

Igor Schechter

If we talk about traditional teaching methods, his huge disadvantage – that is what is taught as an end in itself, but it is not. Language – a tool for communication, the very same communication is the goal. You can learn to read and write in a foreign language, but not understand spoken language. Therefore, in learning the language fully, you need to understand it by ear. It is very important to communicate in the process of learning a foreign language. Live it must inherently be present during language learning. Method Igor Schechter based on emotional-semantic mode of learning.

Schechter suggests activation of the material, not just its presentation in the learning process. The method is in the small, the correct approach to learning. Method consists of a set of techniques with a kind of technology to fully explore the instructor. Method is very different from how we are with you learned in school. Even if you have mastered school curriculum, then, as a rule, when dealing with a foreigner, you will hardly utter the simplest phrase, and only with an understanding of what he says quite tight. The method of Schechter – conversational technique (emotional sense) – includes themselves communicating with foreigners, with the teacher who owns colloquial speech, main difference between the emotional-semantic approach is its focus on the development of living speech.

Schechter method allows us to speak meaningful way, without playing memorized phrases and constructions in speech patterns, so to speak, as is the usual for a man in his life circumstances, ie, express their personal attitude to events in which it participates, lives. Thirty years of experience in education, an approach to language acquisition, which has been scientifically substantiated, the classes that are conducted on a new, modern technology – all this is the key to success Schechter method. This course is practiced in 108 cities in Russia, cis countries and abroad. Talented professionals, high professionals working in the school Schechter. Foreign language, as mentioned above, the master as your native language in which you learned to speak since childhood. In the process of learning are not used certain words and grammar, and phrases and figures of speech, correct usage of words in each moment. There is an active (When a person speaks well) and passive (when it is well understood) language skills. You can quickly learn to understand the language well, a good read on it. But to learn to speak well in a foreign language, you need to learn, by and large, all my life. When you realize that to speak a foreign language without thinking about how to build this or that phrase, when you think in that language as their mother, when you 'll be reading to understand the meaning of the reading, do not convert the text somewhere in your mind in your native language, only then can you dare say that we have achieved success in mastering a foreign language.

University Organization

Observe the movements and steps for improvement. Eliminate those that are useless, inaccurate and cause loss of time. Streamline their work process Mix working methods of different operators performing the same job. Be described as ergonomic issues. Analyze and measure working time.

Establish process times. Education and training for operators to improve their way of working. All this is nothing new in the business world, and that starts from the ancient times of Taylorism. So it is something that is well shot and there are many professionals in this field. But it is something that is continuously evolving along the lines of technological advances and new support tools at work, especially computers and telecommunications. My friend did not know this, despite being a university professional. I had read the notice and tacho with x he did not understand what he said the text of the newspaper notice. The notice required as management professionals.

But, did not know, did not know the meaning of the word Rationalization. He said that he had studied at the University Organization and Methods, but not Rationalization. I explained that Rationalization and Organization and Methods, are the same thing. Embarrassed, I look sad, a tear fell down his face, smiled and said: – What a fool I was, I had the opportunity in their hands, that is my specialty and I did not realize he did not understand what the ad said . Go UD dear reader, how important is to read about, but not just read, because you can read but not understand what the text says. Ultimately read more than a simple act of decoding of signs or words, is above all an act of reasoning and knowing that this is a series of arguments lead to the construction of an interpretation of the written message from the information provide the text and the reader’s knowledge and time to start another series of arguments to monitor the progression of this interpretation in a way that can identify any misunderstandings caused by reading. Understanding to the reader gets when reading is derived from its accumulated experiences, experiences that come in game as decoding words, phrases, paragraphs, and ideas of the author. We can not receive students, incompetent, incapable, problems with reading comprehension, because if they are able to understand a simple message, the less will be able to study in distance learning materials. Learning to read, not enough friends, you must have “reading comprehension.” To the extent that we develop reading comprehension, better understand the tasks that we handle, the better we understand the orders given us by the head, smile and be happy, learn to read, but their reading comprehension exercises.

So Paulo

Being thus, this is result of its opening for the proper reality, of its integration with the world. That is, the man if adjusts the reality to transform it. We must fight for an education that considers the desalienao of the man who if becomes object, expectador and figurante of its proper history. The man must be subject and, while such, to be active. He must create, recriar, decide, dominate and humanizar the reality. Therefore, the man must know the world to be able to intervene with it, to dialogue with and on it this becomes it a being description. We must become the subject man and remove it of the permanent object condition, of domesticated. Our paper in the world is not only to live what it occurs and to accept everything what in them is placed, she is necessary to be a citizen of occurrences (FREIRE, 2001, p.85).

We learn to intervine in the reality. We do not have, while educators, to generate and to transmit a picture of values that legitimizes dominant interests (MSZAROS, 2005, p.35). For this, we have that to communicate/to divulge this will to change the effective situation, to change everything what it is established, to construct a new vision of world. But, first, it is necessary that the wall of the language between House Great the Senzala is knocked down because without communication that communicates does not have revolution. As well as without an access to an education of quality does not have as to read/to see the way world that acts in it instead of only being in it.

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