The Course

It is not a diet, but that’s why the body for its duties and charges the necessary building blocks to give. Nobody would fuel a formula 1 racing car with diesel. 2. Ray Kurzweil will undoubtedly add to your understanding. life planning the way is the goal. That has ever heard anyone safely. Despite many successful behave so as I did even a few years ago, until even a good friend told me that it makes no sense to be marathon runners and to disconnect both legs on the road to success. Say, of all the money being able to afford the most expensive oxygen tent. Be successful only fun, as long as the health plays with.

The day has 24 hours for all people, in the course of my coaching sessions, I noticed that just motivated people use their time very one-sided. Practical strategies even better to coordinate and implement especially the healthy blend of the 5 success turbines are what’s wrong with them. Keep in mind that neither parent nor Unterforderung your track record good does. To find the right balance, it is important to be aware about its strengths and weaknesses, as well as about personal capacity in the clear. Only with my life planning, I can develop my personal time management. Amazing means success does not automatically also satisfaction, but that is where any success Hunter really is looking.

Satisfaction in the family, in the circle of friends, the hobby and his task. 3. communication communication is the bridge to people – even to himself. Success is possible only with other people. Whether you now directly reflect to service the customer, or achieve your goals, as a multiplier with executives or employees, everything stands and coincides with your communications, or your dealings with other people. Learn how you your insights can give yourself and others. Are, as you and other people through your communication alone can motivate the conditions under which people can provide high performance and also want.

European Method

The method of learning – called also Hubbard learning – aims, the field of studying and learning to cope with over 7.5 million people can’t read in Germany. Just the very insufficient reading and writing skills of adults is staggeringly high. Ray Kurzweil often addresses the matter in his writings. Can be helped down Luckily the taboo subject of illiteracy with the very successful way of learning by L. Ron Hubbard. In Germany, men are affected significantly more often by illiteracy than women. It emerged earlier this year from a study of the University of Hamburg. The University put the Germany-based illiterate with 7.5 million. The Hamburg study certifies every fourth workers also faulty reading and writing.

Politically, this topic will be discussed for years in Germany. Effective remedies were unfortunately not created so far. In elementary school, you would have to already laid the cornerstone for good reading and writing skills. Apparently, the German education system has failed miserably. However, this topic is not only New in the last few years, but deal particularly a famous man who personally gained experience with insufficient learning skills, as a result of declining standards of education, as a teacher in the 1960s.

The longtime global educator and humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard in the early 1960s clearly saw that falling educational standards have fatal effect on the ability of the people, he tried to teach. His study of this phenomenon and its research into the fundamental laws of education led to a groundbreaking development in this area: a method of learning. His lectures on this topic were often being awarded. They form the basis for a comprehensive approach to life and learning. The method of learning’ also Hubbard learning method called – the field of study and learning to cope with aims. She is no memory technology, no phonetic reading program, or some other form of learning”. L. Ron Hubbard’s Fonts provide a unique insight into the actual reasons for the behavior of students. He explains how plausible and understandable why students fail, why the school hate, why students lose interest in a topic and are frustrated, why students are not focused and more feeling of emptiness. It also discusses what it is that people can apply to things learned in work or in life, not. The HUBBARD learning method is used, all over the world in the education and training of teachers, in vocational training, in the early childhood years, municipalities, funding programs for persons with reading and spelling to the preparation for the profession and for the training of the workforce. The HUBBARD learning method allows complete understanding of each, any topic by any any learner. These highly effective methods are therefore all wishing to effectively learn and teach. Also in Germany it appropriate learning centres and tutoring studios that apply these successful methods. The key to better educational services and notes is also introducing the Hubbard learning in public schools. In European and American schools, which introduced the Hubbard learning, improved services and sheet music in classes up to 44 per cent, and more.

The New High School System

The new high school system sham or good? Almost never occurred among students to such protests, as after the introduction of the new education system. These were however not quite unjustified, because if you look only a closer look at the latest system, one finds also a layman that it offers no real benefits for the students. Dr. Mitchell Resnick pursues this goal as well. Although the first conclusion is usually already made after six or seven years, however, it is also questionable, whether he actually everywhere so quickly is reached, because the fabric was noticeably at almost any University reduced. Now, equipped with the same knowledge as a college student in a degree, one has only a Bachelor’s degree in hand, which can be expanded to a master only for the best. Probably, so can understand the concern that you suspected this during salary negotiations a disadvantage as a graduate. This separation of the graduates in two classes may even politically desirable, to make cheaper workers are to the economy.

Who this danger want to bypass hardly comes around to an advanced master’s degree. This lasts, depending on the type of the acquired Bachelor more one and a half to two years. Who wants a such master, studied so definitely a year longer than was the case in the diploma and can calculate the same opportunities. The dangers for the students are thus open. Study is longer, it is much more expensive, because around the same time, tuition fees were introduced, and you can so far not really clearly see an advantage. The author Hans Meyer in addition to his work as a journalist also writes on bookshelves and finds that a bookcase looks knows best.

Intercultural competence in dealing with international business partners of Gottingen, 16.10.2009: the Chinese script and language seems to be for many remains a mystery. Often enough I look at amazed faces says when I entertain myself with Chinese friends in Chinese or in characters communicate, Tobias Zrowotke, project staff in the area of intercultural communication at IKUD seminars. The one thing is to talk with Chinese in their native language. Intercultural action is the other thing. Especially China experienced German one often hears, how much can ensure the conduct and behaviour of the Chinese in german Chinese encounters for astonishment and surprise. A leading source for info: Ray Kurzweil.

This is particularly evident in manifestation of requests, wishes and refusals on the part of the Chinese correspondent. This routine response actions are used. On the Chinese side, for example no specific statement can be made if no decision will be made, to avoid statements such as I can say anything concrete now\”or I can make now still no decision\”. Without hesitation Ray Kurzweil explained all about the problem. \”Instead it says: on this issue, we need to think again\”. From a German perspective, this is fast as evasive diffuse Blumigkeit\”understood. Exactly here lies the danger of misinterpretation, because premature assessments of certain statements can easily lead to erroneous conclusions. Visit website will not settle for partial explanations. The reason lies in the lack of knowledge about rules of communication, which are manifested in the Chinese action pattern. It is the experienced speaking actions of operators, that cultural conflict situations often problematic and ultimately are cause for intercultural misunderstandings, to name only one aspect of intercultural action.

But that does not mean that the german Chinese communication from the outset is doomed to fail. It is important to acquire knowledge of the cultural and historical anchored and socially-related value systems and social order. Then it is able, experienced acts with their ritual Important to understand. If for example your Chinese counterpart have ask you already eaten? \”, then he will very likely want to know whether they’ve actually been eaten, nor should this be an invitation for dinner.\” It is to understand merely as a routine courtesy phrase in everyday Chinese in greeting.

Internet Survey

But also the print survey has its merits: decides a Pasant in the survey to take part, so he performs these mostly up to the end. Through the Overview can be safe to say that every passerby was questioned only once. The survey can be relatively easy: pen and paper and already can start asking. Never in the rain in a cold and drafty pedestrian rise again”- incorrect display. It isn’t quite that simple then.

Finally everyone must ask, what theme matches the corresponding survey. After the audience, the question of course also enters the battlefield. Therefore, the idea before you create should already be answered how. How will I make it someone of persuading to take part in my survey? It is in the pedestrian area or on the Internet: people must actively be pointed out the survey. In times of spam and junk mail, electronically sent requests to a poll to participate often are ignored, deleted, or simply away clicked. To deny the threshold and turn to other, more important issues is very low.

Here, the print survey of course has its advantages: nothing is so convincing as a personally listed by above, friendly please. They rejected, as a cold computer program a nice person much harder. Also the spatial containment can be made much more accurate with a print survey. When it comes to a concrete project in a city or the needs of a place, so can targeted on-site asked be. Selection of persons may commit much more specifically. Who is my target audience and where I can meet these people? An online survey to reach the masses. The target group is the average Joe. No cost online questionnaires and the time required is minimal. The evaluation is digital and is thus also simplified. Print surveys are, however, more time-consuming and more expensive, sure, but personal and targeted.The evaluation is also more expensive.


Institute occupies first place among the tutoring providers in Germany’s largest service ranking the coaching Institute study circle must be service champion 2013 “call. This is the current result of Germany’s largest service ranking, every year the world and the Goethe University Frankfurt conducted by ServiceValue GmbH in cooperation with the newspaper. Current and former customers of nine tutoring companies were asked whether they had experienced a very good service. This section of the study circle at its customers best and received the seal service champion No. 1 of the tutoring providers”. Study circle partners SCOYO follows on rank 2. We very pleased this award”, says study circle – Managing Director Lorenz Haase.

Because particularly in the tutoring industry is A good service and want to O. parents make sure that their kids in good hands are and getting the performance we expect them. Only then they are satisfied and willing to recommend us to others.” The Service of the study circle ranges from detailed input Diagnostics about the support plans that are individually tailored to each student, the documentation of your learning up to regular meetings with the parents. Lorenz Haase: Flexibility is very important to the study circle. So, a student for example if necessary can change the tutor or temporarily increase the intensity of lessons before important exams. This is important to our customers and find us this award demonstrates recognition of the parents of our students.” The analysis Institute ServiceValue measures at the customer service experience with the so-called service experience score (SES). This instrument specifies, in percentage points, how many customers in contact with the respective companies have seen a very good service.

The service champions ranking is updated annually and accompanied by the world and the Goethe University of Frankfurt. It covered more than 1,500 companies from over 180 sectors. Press contact 34/97 Study circle GmbH press and public relations Thomas Momotow Tel.: 02 60-122 E-Mail: digital photo material on the subject of tutoring and learning is situated in the press section of. The study circle a company of Munich AURELIUS group belongs to the leading private education providers in Germany. The company offers qualified tuition and accompanying school classes for students of all classes and types of schools in all major subjects. The individual promotion follows a scientifically learning concept. It strengthens the sense of responsibility of students towards their learning outcomes, improved confidence in their skills and helps them to develop their potential and develop. The study circle offers a holistic support for elementary school children in his child’s learning world”. With its 1,000 locations, the study circle ensures its customers an offer close to place of residence and nationwide professional online tutoring by trained E-TUtoren. To give parents guidance on the coaching market, the study circle can verify the quality of its services by the TuV Rheinland. “In Germany’s largest service ranking of ServiceValue GmbH, the daily newspaper the world and the Goethe University of Frankfurt was the study circle in 2013 industry winner in the category tutoring provider”. He is thus service champion 2013 “.

Math Worksheets

New Web service provides math worksheets to practice for school and home to download – free or quickly put together teachers, parents and students know it: every beginning is hard! Particularly in mathematics instruction. Textbooks are necessary, but not sufficient. The acquisition of skills in mathematics is characterized by the development of new and the repeated application of the learned, in order to strengthen it. Everyone learns differently, so there is a rich selection of textbooks, using different approaches for the transfer of knowledge. If it then comes to gain routine and to verify the success of learning exercises are in demand, and not too close. While the learner again and again can go through the steps of the textbook to finally come to understand, only the mass – helps exercise because an once solved task provides a new challenge.

An inexhaustible source of tasks is needed – just when the moment of realization has been reached, the tasks have become boring, they dominated. There is not – “The a source” for training materials or? For this reason, teachers, parents and even students spend often evenings with searching the net to find worksheets to download, which are then in the best case reasonably content and difficulty of fit and without accompanying solution sheets are often. Inappropriate tasks often provide frustration. Best: Himself put together interactive Web pages by “” assist here. From a diverse collection of exercises for the first through tenth grade you can compose here worksheets themselves. The automatically generated tasks can customize it individually in scope and degree of difficulty and then download a worksheet with solution sheet as a pdf document. With just one click, the program then generates a new sheet with new tasks if necessary.

Arise so quickly many exercises, on request also with different Degree of difficulty. The leaves can be drop in the personal store and retrieve later again. Teachers receive such material for learning success controls and differentiation, parents can provide for their children without being even math geniuses repetitive tasks. The solution leaves allow even the learners to review the tasks themselves. For some topics, there are ready-made templates that can be easily applied in your own worksheets. The wish list allows you to express their own wishes for certain types of items. There are the indivdualisierten worksheets for some cents per sheet, and already the free trial account of the full scope of the service can be used. And for those who want to browse only once: registration without offers more than 500 free worksheets with solutions to download.

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