Several are the factors that can influence this phenomenon of the desterritorializao as the current educational politics, the form each more competitive and exculpatory time with that the society behaves, everything this in the aid to understand this question better. Time was it where the professor had autonomy and was respected in classroom, fact that if became marcante more from years 1990, that Heasbaert relates to after-modernity. The idea that if has of desterritorializao is intrinsically on with modernity and after-modernity, being able to be understood by the point of view of the rupture or the continuity. Some authors consider that with after-modernity he had a rupture, a paradigm in addition that had modified the bows of the society, the introduction of the technologies had breached barriers with the world, making with that the relations human beings were each time more weakened, the accomplishment of more distant contacts each time, introduced new values in the relation of the societies. For other authors, after-modernity is only one evolutivo process of modernity. After modernization it only accented some existing characteristics already.
Thus, let us see what in this author says to them when analyzes the movement of? desconstruo? proper of after-modernity: The movement if carries through in such a way in multiple forms, seen for many as traps or as masks of the clutter. Vocbulo after-modern adjusts this speculator inventory to it of? desconstruo? of the simulations. It has some years gradually forms the list of the disappearances (…). The appearances, the illusions and the images? noise? of the unnatural and ephemeral communication the constituent elements of a Real had become little by little that is not joins, but that it is perceived and accepted under these aspects.
' ' For the examples above, the rhetoric of the pertaining to school quality coexists in the propagandas of different discursivos fields, also in the interior of the proper school, in speak of its citizens. However, it can be said that what if conota as quality, in the perspective of different practical institucional, nor always if lines up with democratic intentions, neither it agglutinates universal interests and neither still it is seen in the result of the practical one. The quality as rhetorical axle that surrounds the pertaining to school institution from the reform of years 90, obeys, therefore, to the multiple logic narratives and interests, thus, the different nexuses of being able you strike in them of the social game. One of the directed current answers to (reverse speed) the qualification of the practical pertaining to school, communicated for the public politics and the scientific inquiries, is the proposal of projects of formation in service for professors. Proposals these that they aim at since bringing up to date practical the pedagogical professor face to the sped up production of the human knowledge at our time, until provoking a debate more profcuo, next to these agents, on the educational purposes of the pertaining to school institution in this century that if he initiates. In this work, he interests us close visualizing more than as law 5640/68, as well as the university Reformation of years 90, with its avaliativos aspects, independent and politicians, has intervened with the pertaining to school context in what it refers to ' ' qualidade' ' of the qualification of the teaching formation and the possible significant alterations provoked by them in practical the daily one, beyond ahead pointing some considered questions vital with respect to the work of the professor of the neoliberal politics. To mark characteristic traces of these objectives, carry through a historical jib that makes possible a vision of as the education if it organized since the primrdios and as this express organization if today in the relations between education and the research. .
Students of this specialty are a deep knowledge of computers and microprocessors and senior years specializing in the development and operation of medical equipment. The most important area of work department – training in medical electronics, professionals in the design, development and maintenance of instruments for diagnosis and treatment. The need for the health sector in such specialists has arisen in connection with the use of modern diagnostic process electronic computerized systems – it's microprocessor EEG recording the electrical activity brain rheograph, allowing to identify vascular pathology, computer tomography, ultrasound machines for (U.S.), a wide class of physical therapy devices for electrotherapy, high-frequency, microwave and laser therapy. Graduates of the department are in steady demand in the labor markets of Ukraine, Russia, Europe and the USA working in Australia, Canada, Israel and China. They can be found in the state and private companies engaged in the design, manufacture and operation of electronic devices and systems for high technology, including microprocessor technology, personal computers, medical diagnostic systems. They work in industry and academic institutes, universities, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, law enforcement agencies, the tax administration. Among our graduates are more than two candidates and doctors, many of whom work in SevNTU.
At one of the leading companies in electronic engineering in Ukraine "Tavrida Electric", which develops and manufactures high-voltage switchgear, in its various units, today employs about 50 professionals, graduates of the department. In the opinion of management, the current graduates of professionally trained in modern microprocessor technology, analog and digital circuitry, programming skills, the reliability of microelectronic devices, and the profile of their training fully meets the needs and requirements of advanced manufacturing. Microelectronics, nanoelectronics, biomedical electronics – is advanced and promising directions in science and technology. Specialty department of electronic engineering – is prestige and a real prospect, they will help to realize your talents and intellectual abilities. Source: Department of CRT.
Although to be applicatory one of open code (open source), to have access it in its totality it is necessary to carry through the payment. – Stability – As software offers to permission on the code source, the final user has the possibility to modify it in the vision most diverse boardings and to verify possible existences of bugs (errors) decurrent of the imperfections, can thus bring up to date them and test them. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Ray Kurzweil. – Testabilidade – the tests of alterations on its code future source for alterations in the program can be carried through by the team or the user that has programming knowledge to modify the code. 3.1.6 How much to the portabilidade In the site – it is available for download versions for the operational systems: Windows and Mac, this makes with that the adaptability to some systems is conditional to the fact of that stops each operational system has an exclusive version of the Gcompris being that the version for Linux cannot be installed in the Windows and vice turns. – Capacity to be installed the Gcompris is very simple, does not need to be configured and its installation is extremely simple, having as efetivao not the inquiry in the platforms Mac and Linux. Although that some educational systems already come integrated with the Linux system, such as: 4,0 Educational Linux and Kurumim. – Capacity to substitute – As the Gcompris presents some applicatory ones integrated perhaps and with well defined objectives easily it can substitute with more excellency softwares you equalized.
It sees figure 2 in annex. – Conformity This in accordance with the standards of the portabilidade, in view of that it presents versions for each specific system. 3.2 Some pedagogical analyses of Software for dislxicas children to evaluate an educational software are not easy, therefore we have that to consider beyond the characteristics cited for the one mechanical system, beyond them, it exists some pedagogical inherent attributes on the learning theories that reflect vises deeply different on as it occurs to the learning and these vises have impact in softwares educational.
In the case of some anomaly hated, talked with parents and identified the origin of them. After the activity, students Cycle made a demonstration of how to make a bed with a patient inside. RESULTS OF EXPERIENCE was achieved the objectives set, as it raised awareness of students about these concepts, they became interested in health issues, they explained the effects of salt in foods with advice to their families and time, it was possible that students feel important cycle, should integrate more with the students of ESO, which many did not know these teachings of the Centre and also that their learning is functional and practical. The evaluation by teachers of the cycle was considered positive as satisfactory experience. SECOND EXPERIENCE One of the topics covered in the draft is the prevention of occupational hazards and domestic.
It is a question that works somewhat in the centers because they do not really know where to locate this content. Today we know that is a very important and that’s why I’ve programmed within this larger project of Health. OBJECTIVES OF THE EXPERIENCE. Encourage students the responsibility for their personal safety and preventing adverse health events Integrate graders use of electricity and electronics in the educational community to increase satisfaction studies chosen, seeing practical part PREPARATION OF EXPERIENCE . I suggested to the professional family of Electrical and Electronics conducting an activity where these students work with education about risk prevention. During the first quarter, Professor Cycle introduced working patterns and common criteria for the development of the activity.
Google has bought another company of services online, has touched to him is Picnik, an application Web of photographic adjustment that allows us to alter images of a very pleasant form and without unloading no type of software, totally online. This way, Google little by little tries to conquer the users, it is obtaining and it, because every time it offers more and more varied services. Google has been decided to buy due to the enormous popularity that this service of photographic adjustment has in the network, affirming its leaders who in the future will be used along with Picasa. Picasa in a photographic service also of Google, which when joining it with Picnik is anticipated that it gives a great jump in the network, because the images and photographies of the users more and more by Internet, and if in addition is allowed the users to alter them, it can get to be quite important in which to popularity for the internauts it talks about. Picnik is integrated in other services like SmugMug or Flickr, but this will not be problem for Google, because it assumes that it will clear to Picnic of these so that the users also do not distribute themselves among them, but only Google will have the east service.
The users of Picnik are hoping with impatience to that he leaves this new service for Google, because with this improvement of their service, the users will have an ample fan of possibilities with Google. As you already see, Google does not stop. Some think that what is making Google is wonderful, because gives an ample handling us of all the information available in the network, however, others do not agree, because they say that they are making a great monopoly that in the end will burst by some side. I do not know what you will think, but the truth is that Google is unstoppable. More information to consult the Web, where there is a connection to another related article. Original author and source of the article.
Notice, the importance that to teacher must give you their own training, he is link between student-learning, since the psicopedagogo should develop its action, encompassing various fields of knowledge. On the school, it must provide moments in which the digital inclusion becomes in addition you an act pleasurable and interesting, only that the child is instigated you obtain good results. Keywords: Computing, Professor, Student, Education, psychopedagogists. 1 INTRODUCTION Computer science comes acquiring each time more relevance in the educational scene. Its use as instrument of learning and its action in the social environment comes increasing of fast form. In this direction, the education comes passing for structural and functional changes front to this new technology. However what it comes being questioned is of the form with that this introduction comes occurring and from this point to analyze the operating importance of one psicopedagogo that it can use to advantage and use these tools as mechanism and support to assist in the attendance of the pupils.
With this work it is intended to argue some points, of utmost importance, that can generate a reflection on where measured the technologies they can collaborate and as the computer can serve of education tool, using resources informatizados from a relation with the machine, developing in the child the knowledge through comments. To search inside of the education, the concept, the objectives and the evolution history, to identify to the main tools and its use and the development of the attention, the concentration and the memory. Psicopedagogo needs to know what it is to teach and what it is to learn; as they intervene the educative systems and methods; the structural problems that intervine in the sprouting of the learning upheavals and in the pertaining to school process. The research if justifies, therefore the technologies of information and the communication are of basic importance in the life of the majority of the population and tend to be each more indispensable time in our daily one.
In this article I want to consider, and offer you to join me wonder: what is the modern education? It makes no sense to talk about it as it is everywhere different, but what changed his nature, must understand each. That comprehensively address this question, we need a little deeper into the story. Until a few centuries ago, when there was not even the telegraph, an educated person was regarded as being a priori higher, compared with uneducated. The thing is that truly applied knowledge were available to a narrow circle of people, and, accordingly, only the narrow range of specific skills possessed knowledgeable. New information in each area, arrived bit by bit, so knowledge updated slowly. Therefore, the objectives of education are not artful: put a man in my head a certain amount of knowledge.
In those days a person could be an expert in several areas (or even in many), since he had enough time to acquisition and a small amount of material. World gradually came the telegraph and telephone, transport links all the more intensified, accelerated processes occurring in society. The result was an increase in the volume of knowledge in all fields with an acceleration rate of this increase. Naturally, school and college programs are becoming more extensive, required to learn more and greater specialization in training and become narrower. And so, already in 20th century poor students simply lived in the classrooms, spending a lot of time writing papers and cramming. End of 20th beginning of the 21th century marked an unprecedented leap in the development of information technologies: mobile and satellite communications, sprawling uncontrollably across the globe Internet, advances in computer technology.
Familiar scheme, where there is a certain amount of tickets with questions and answers to them are not respected. Dominated by written work and projects, the latter need not only to prepare that already requires time and effort, but protect. Second, the exams need to register. And not the last evening, and at least a few days. And sometimes that month.
And finally, unlike the former Soviet countries, the session in Austria is shorter and not exempt from the basic educational process. Therefore not surprising if the student for a day appointed exam and a couple of lectures. A grading "machine", so beloved by students of universities of Russia and Ukraine, Austria is not practiced. So Austria did not really learn for the sake of "crust", but for the sake of knowledge. That is why graduates of Austrian universities are valued on the world labor market as qualified, responsible and organized professionals. students SELF-MANAGEMENT in universities of austria in the usual understanding of the student government – is mayor, who shall be appointed or selected by the dean's group in order to communicate to students of the university management decisions. In Austria's approach to this issue is more serious.
Election of "representatives of the course" or "speaking on behalf of the course" (as literally translated Jahrgangsvertreter and Jahrgangssprecher respectively) are held by secret ballot with all the attributes democratic will. Register all willing to participate in the presidential race, drawing up lists of candidates, voters have the opportunity to get acquainted with the programs of all applicants. On Election Day opening polling booths, where each student a course can anonymously cast your vote for one of the contenders in their old age. Counting of votes shows who will represent the interests of the course. This approach is absolutely justified. Options warden at universities in Austria which is wider than that of its Ukrainian and Russian counterparts. The representative exchange rate can and should defend the interests of students to teachers. Sometimes it can lead to a curious, in our understanding situations. For example, there are cases where students need to replace the professor, as, in their opinion, it is not enough quality teaching their subject. And Dean agrees consider the students signed the petition! But – on a democratic basis. Hears both sides, appointed a general discussion, designed to solve the problem, and by joint discussions is a way out situation. Thus, Austria gives the students not only high-quality European education. In the universities of this country to prepare their own thinking, responsible and enterprising citizens of modern democratic state. And the beauty, culture, mild climate, excellent environment and many opportunities for recreation – a nice bonus for those who decided to join the ranks of Austrian students.
The education in any area must prioritize the preparation of a citizen. Educators are alerted by White (1872, p.29) ' ' we muitssimos young that had made a superior course had not gotten that true education that could for in use in the practical life. Perhaps they have the fame to possess superior education, but in reality, they are only ignorant educados' '. To be professors in the exercise to contribute for the formation of professors of English language is odd task and a privilege. In the varied possibilities to create, and to innovate, the professor must be he himself and each time to improve its knowledge and its position as educator. Considering the necessity of programs so that a perfectioning of the teach-learning of the English language in Brazil acts here, the study and development of the improvement of professionals in relation the methodology, knowledge and didactics it is significant fact and of much relevance.
Let us see what Peter Demon (1998, P. 205) in it guides: The center of the professionalization process is not, in first place, in making, but in knowing to make, because the deriving professional renewal of the handling and production of knowledge is much more decisive that its accumulation. Thus, to be professional is less to routinely exert a craft, of what to know to always reinventar it, all day, making of this to know permanent impulse of change and not of resistance. To remain professional competent, the sense for the renewal is still more crucial, perhaps more crucial than the practical one. If it cannot think about the use of alone or isolated technology. The planning of the process of necessary learning to be made in its totality and each one of its units. A detailed planning is required, in such a way that some activities are combined in search of the intended objectives and that the several techniques are chosen, planned and integrated in order to collaborate so that the activities well are carried through and the learning happens.
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