Coppola Therefore

According to Ramos and Coppola (2009, pg. 5) ' ' Thus, the Internet as a new media to be used in the education must be analyzed as a communication instrument, information, of research and production of knowledge. It needs, therefore to be recognized and appropriate as tool pedaggica.' '. In such a way the Internet is a technology that has well-known educative potential, therefore allows to the access the inaccessible sources of information for other ways, beyond disponibilizar great amount of resources multimedia. This without counting the fact of it to disponibilizar call blog that according to Boeira (2007, pg.3) ' ' it is an important instrument of communication, interaction and sharing of ideas, information and knowledge of colaborativa form, and for these characteristics, an important tool becomes that can potentially be explored in the area educacional.' '. Such blogs allow to the communication and the colaborativo work what, increase the possibility to appear pupils who can be active agents of its proper process of learning and not mere passive receivers of knowledge, without critical sense. Thus the case of the boy Ren Silva is fit who created the project ' ' Voice of the Comunidades' ' a net of you inform in the Twitter that has provoked a true revolution in the community of the Complex of the German, where it deferred payment, fact that comes of meeting what Gomes (2005, pg.3) in reference to blogs says: ' ' The school and the activities in carried through it are more displayed to the public scrutiny but also next to the communities where if they insert and they confide new chances for envolvement and contribution of diverse members of these comunidades.' '. This project of the boy Ren Silva if fits even though in a form of active social mobilization and in a species of constructive or colaborativa learning, therefore it provides an educative action that considers the individual way to think of the people and looks for to minimize the conflicts for the interaction and exchange of information of a person for another one until arriving at a capable collective consensus, even though, to mobilize the government to take care of to the necessities of the community.

Cellular Phones

At last, the technologies with its respective systems, exerts influence in the educative process, cooperating to the exchange of ideas and the sharing of the information. Such influence happens for intermediary of the personal qualification for the correct and ethnic manuscript of the instrument. In this process of learning, the young can use the cellular one, the most important tool of communication of century XXI, each enriched time more with new functions. Until it has little time was a mere mobile telephone with service of short messages (SMS), camera and video. Today, already it incorporates wi-fi, 15 Internet, correspondence (mail), rendering of services (Office), television, graphs and GPS. 16 Although incialmente to be conceived as a mechanism that becomes possible communication between two people, currently the technology in such a way of the devices how much of the services it is evolving. In a next future, it will include compatible recognition of voice, readers of fingerprint and other technologies to the device ‘ ‘ the cellular ones are give to turn computers minsculos’ ‘ 17. In the school, the proposal of use of the available technology in the mobile devices of communication, the cellular one, must be educative party to suit, therefore it contributes to develop it intellectual, as well as for the sociocultural interaction of the individual, premise of the education. In the process of quarrel on the inclusion of the cellular one as pedagogical tool, must be considered that the use of the available digital technology in the mobile devices is today focus of apprehension, its use in classroom, are of moment, without didactic criteria and the necessary orientation, configuring its inapropriado use.


I'm surprised that people do not recognize this well-known photographic artifact (false image). I am also struck by the fact that these pictures depicting something that is almost as big and bright as the Sun ('second sun'), distributed with the allegations that are present in some of those same websites that Nibiru – too weak (dim) object to it can be seen or photographed, is that by using larger telescopes. One widely circulated photograph, taken with the telescope, which shows two types of the expanding gas cloud far beyond outside the solar system, which does not move, you can see this on the fact that the stars in each image are the same. An astute reader, who visited this website, found that the photographs depicted gas shell around the star V838 Mon in the constellation Monoceros. Wikipedia (Wikipedia) is an accurate description and photograph of the handsome star, made by the Hubble Space Telescope (Hubble). Another reader, a high school student, was struck at first placed images red clot, which, as stated, is the planet Nibiru (Nibiru). Then, demonstrating the use of Photoshop software (Photoshop), he showed how you can get exactly the same pictures, starting from scratch. In the video laid out on YouTube in the summer of 2008, shows a guy who, while in his kitchen, says that one of the objects detected by telescopes operating in the range of X-rays, NASA – the planet Nibiru. And what are his arguments? That since this pseudocolor image taken in X-rays and submitted by NASA, the blue color, in fact, it should be located close to the planet on which there are sea (oceans). Of course, this could be considered amusing if such videos are not used to intimidate people.

Electronics Manufacturers

Environmentalists blame manufacturers of electronics in disregard for the ecology of the International Greenpeace believes that the world's electronics manufacturers still do not pay enough attention to environmental issues, not letting an alternative eco-friendly products in sufficient quantities to reduce the harmful impact of its use and disposal. Environmentalists point out that over the last year of electronics manufacturing companies carried out a series of promises in the production of environmentally friendly technology. In 2008, 15 leaders in this area submitted for investigation 50 of its products – mobile phones and smart phones, televisions, computer monitors, computers, laptops and game consoles. Greenpeace estimated the goods represented by their content of toxic chemicals, their energy efficiency, the full life cycle (reprocessing capabilities and improvements), as well as a number of other factors, in particular, promote the idea of sustainability and innovation. More and more goods have to fulfill the environmental requirements. However, some companies refused to provide their products to the study by Greenpeace. Incidentally, last week it became known that the production and sale of popular Plasma TV with high energy may be banned in Europe in the spring of this year, as program to combat climate change, European countries will adopt new standards for energy consumption This type of consumer devices. The planned measures will contribute to the disappearance of the sale of inefficient energy in respect of TV and the new labeling system will allow customers to choose TVs the lowest energy consumption. Microorganisms on Earth are capable of producing rain, and automobile exhaust – a lightning A study of precipitation samples from different regions of the world (Finland, Brazil and Sweden), Swedish scientists have concluded that microorganisms are capable of producing rainfall in various parts of our planet.

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