The temperature is often one of the most important factors at all precise temperature control is essential especially for critical and regulated industries. Whether in the industries of pharmacy, aerospace, chemistry, environmental technology and food or in clinics and laboratories, providing temperature is essential to avoid production losses or to ensure the quality of a wide range of products. With the devices for temperature monitoring, temperature limits are monitored directly on-site and verified. This is beneficial for example for temperature monitoring in cold rooms, refrigerators or cooling vans as well as everywhere where temperatures must be adhered exactly and no PC available which can be used to read out the data. CIK solutions deals thoroughly with the development of high-end metrology.
The focus is on temperature and humidity. For almost every problem, CIK solutions has the right product to solve it successfully. The interested parties from almost all economic sectors on information about the corresponding products. References can be found which provide a trouble-free operation with the help of temperature monitoring a large number of renowned companies from diverse industries. With a transmitter, transmitter called, is a device for the demanding industrial applications, that in addition to the temperature the measurements of CO2, humidity and dew point measures. The handhelds are handy for all industries. You measure precisely and reliably in all critical areas. This minimises downtime and as a result, ensures the efficient and productive work. A handy mini-data logger is universally applicable, can measure several different measurements and save, and has a sensitive sensor. In addition, shock monitoring and long-term measurements are possible. Via the USB interface the records on your PC or laptop can be transferred.
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