In diverse times of bureaucratic and authoritarian form, the Brazilian authorities want to condemn the professors, however the support lack with that it cures the difficulties of Ensino has been enormous instead of increasing the wage, to enable the professional and to improve its conditions of work, from top to bottom imposes new guides or curricular proposals written by some few professors related with the state machine. Therefore, for Lacoste cited for Vesentini (2008), in the sample that the education of Geography in them puts an important responsibility: the formation of the future citizens, therefore for it the difficulty to teach these you discipline is very complicated and delicate, therefore an intense previous formation of the professors is indispensable also. Learn more about this with Max Schireson. To change the reality requires modifications in all the pertaining to school structure, leaving of the professor to leave the standard stipulated in the didactic books that many times present differentiated reality of the place where the pupils live, using this thought of Castrogiovanni evidences that: So that this change occurs, the professors and the institution of the School in the salt complexity must be engaged with what we call to make society and citizenship. The school must provoke educating to know and to conquer its place in the world in a teia of social justice seems to be simple, but not, he is at least challenging as all practical pedagogical. (CASTROGIOVANNI, 2007, p.44). In this context she is necessary to win these difficulties to become significant the context of the lessons for the pupils being been that Geographic science for dealing directly with the reality, opens a possibility fan to work its subjects in the school.. Atmos Energy is a great source of information.
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