The Estimated

Having said this, the function of the beginning of the not-conscience it is to demonstrate that science (it cites the anthropology more specifically) is not reflexiva and at the same time to define the metodolgicas conditions that become it experimental science. The author speaks that some times spontaneous sociology appears in way erudite sociology because some sociologists do not want to remove of the individual its capacity of action, leaving to perceive the complete system of the relations in which and for which the actions occur. On this the author says: It is not the individual description of the attitudes, opinions and aspirations that the possibility has to provide the clarifying principle of the functioning of an organization, but the objective logical apprehension of the organization is that it leads at the outset capable to explain, for addition, the attitudes, opinions and aspirations. (BOURDIEU, P., 2004, P. 29) 1,3 – Nature and culture: substance and reception system alert Bourdieu for the problem if using naive of natural criteria of analysis, trans-descriptions or transculturais ' ' whose effectiveness could be apprehended independently of the historical conditions and social that constitute them in its especificidade' ' (BOURDIEU, P., 2004, P.

30) to explain social facts, falling in the error to leave to escape historical especificidades or cultural originalidades. 1.4 – Spontaneous sociology and they to be able of the language sociology have a particular difficulty in result of the particular relation that if establishes between the expressions and erudite and ingenuous experiences. Therefore, the author believes that he is not enough to perceive the transparency illusion and to adopt principles to breach with the estimated ones, therefore inevitably has the problem of the current language that pass unobserved and is used by the sociologist. Having this in sight, the sociologist must submit the words and metaphors that he uses to critical a methodical one, with intention to prevent the contamination of the slight knowledge with the slight knowledge, of erudite sociology for spontaneous sociology.

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