The Group

A trend leader, effectively describes its endpoint, but generally leaves much room, people to find their own way effectively. Guiding leaders, give your people the freedom to innovate, experiment, and take risks calculated in the vision. d Afiliativo style. If the leading corcitivo obliges a person to do what I say, and the indicative asked him to come with me, afiliativo leader tells the person people come first. This style of leadership revolves around the people who employ it, value to the individual and their emotions over the tasks and objectives.

The afiliativo leader, strives greatly pra employees are always happy, and the relationship between them is more harmonious. Managed through the development of affective ties, to then pick up the coveted results of this approach, mainly because it generates a strong loyalty. Style afiliativo, it also has a very positive effect on communication. People who are comfortable among themselves speak a lot. They share ideas and inspiration. Afiliativo style, progressively increasing flexibility; friends trust each other, enabling innovation, and risk taking habits to develop fully. e. the participatory style.

By investing time getting ideas and the support of the people, a leader promotes trust, respect and commitment to your group. To allow employees to have a voice in the decisions that affect their targets, and the way they do their daily work, the participatory leader dramatically increased the flexibility and responsibility. To listen to the concerns of employees, the participatory leader learns what to do to keep alive the moral high. Finally, given that they have a vote in setting its objectives and parameters to measure their success, people working in its participatory environment tend to be more realistic about what can be and what they can not do. f. the imitative style. As the coercive style imitative style is part of the Repertoire of a leader, although it must moderate its use. In the background, the bases of the imitative style seem admirable. The leader sets extremely high standards of work performance and exemplifies them. His great obsession, is to make everything better and much faster, and requires total so that all persons of its around full compliance these technical criteria. Quickly, he identifies people with low levels of work performance, and demanded much more. If they do not fully meet their expectations, the anger replacing gradually, with much more capable people. At first glance, it seems that such an approach would improve the results, but tristemene is not so simple. Types of leadership desingado leadership: which means taking responsibility for the Group and guide the Group towards its goals determine how the group can meet its targets active follower: what it means to support and follow the leader appointed to take part in the decision-making of decisions of the group giving ideas and seeking clarity Fellowship leadership: that means team work together and support one another to fulfill the goals of the group each team member sees what needs to be done and does it own leadership: that means each person cares if same to be able to take care of the group all show initiative and personal character references: Stoner, James; Frreman, Edgard, and Gilbert, Daniel, 6a ed., Pretince-Hall, Mexico, 1999. Saval, R. Styles of leadership. Document recovered the day of November 4, 2008 magazine manage you today no.

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