The Scalp

Do not wash with shampoo too much detergent, but with one specific for oily hair, in order to rectify the excess fat and restore balance. Wash it as many times as necessary, but do not massage the scalp, of how to not activate the sebaceous glands even more. The products are applied gently with the Palm of your hands, doing circles and without pressing the scalp. Avoid all kinds of aggression: brushing, (only lukewarm) hot water, cold water, air dryer. In the quest for dry, many people rub it strongly towel on the hair. Which is not recommended for those who have oily hair, because friction stimulates the production of sebum, are aggressive for the hair and can irritate the scalp. Wrap your head with a soft towel so the excess water to be absorbed. Mixed hair: Shampoo is applied in two stages: the first dose will be applied on the scalp, massaging the product without pressing too, and the second dose is applied on the hair shaft and tips, washing them accordingly.

After rinse abundantly and without massage, are placed desenredantes creams and nourishing masks and moisturizers over fiber and at the tips of the hair, making them penetrate with movements that follow the length of the hair strands, carefully avoiding touching or pulled the scalp. The hairdressers advise change every two months, so can not get used to shampoo hair shampoo. They would care that they should be carried out, depending on the type of hair, roughly. But in the next entry I’ll explain, step by step, and simple steps to be followed to take care of our hair. Follow me on: original author and source of the article

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