The World Of The Present

The world of the present Teodulo Lopez Melendez La Union European acts, what is not known is where, perhaps towards the mere survival. A quick glance at the year 2010 shows us summits with China and the whole of Asia, participation in the G-20, NATO conferences, the encounter with Africa, meetings with Russia and Ukraine and their speeches at the meeting on climate change in Cancun. The list is not intended to be exhaustive, what you mean is that Europe has a presence, one within this time features: military force not already measured the influence, making it the economy, in the European case a shambles that has brought us many crises, perhaps having as central axis, in its favor, the preservation of the euro. However something went wrong in Europe and we will surely find reasons in the numerous missteps in its progress towards political unity. The European Union has not failed to move towards a consistency that allows you to properly use its sales network and its still existing power economical. The ultimate in continental integration example seems to be victim of a shortness of breath due to a mediocre ruling class. Its foreign policy is hesitant and its serious problems of aging population prevent you define security policies, immigration and, in general terms, their higher interests.

The European Union, held in November 2010 if we count from the first steps – 61 years of existence. It did, from NATO, by adopting what he called a new strategic concept on security and defence and reiterating the principle of the mutual defence at the time that was aborted in the long-range missiles or energy security and taking a step towards Russia by inviting her to join the antimisilistico shield. If we understand each other well, just at the end of 2010 Europe stops the cold war with Russia and it reassures the former members of the Soviet bloc Reaffirming article 5 of the Washington Treaty, i.e., the attack against an ally is against the entire block.

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