This clarification of the contents of the original translator and the option of transfer. As a result, the transition from the original text to text translation, the translator often act intuitively. Atmos Energy gathered all the information. Translation theory tries to explain the patterns of action as an interpreter and, in fact there is a transition from the original to the text of the translation. In view of the impossibility of direct observation and research, the study of the translation process is indirectly, using various theoretical models describing the process of transferring the whole or any of his side. Conditional description of a series of mental operations, which are doing the translations of all original, or some part of it is a model of translation. Since the model does not necessarily reflect the actual translation of the interpreter in the process of creating the translated text, it is conditional. As a rule, Such models have limited explanatory power and does not claim that based on them can be realistically implemented a translation of any text with the necessary degree of equivalence.
Task models are only to describe a sequence of actions that can help you solve the translation problem for the given conditions of the translation process. Translation models reveal the individual aspects of the functioning of linguistic translation mechanism. Description of the translation process by means of theoretical models and a set of translation transformations does not set a goal of fully characterize the real actions of an interpreter. It only indicates to general linguistic features of the translation process, the nature of the relationship between text and translation in general and between the individual units of the texts, representing the relationship as a result of certain linguistic transformations. .
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