United Nations

For this reason, we must understand that one is the real paper that we have in the Earth. Finally she could after 4500 million years of continuous childbirths, to see be born from her belly to her intelligent son, the human being, she helped so that it to continue being the home of life. The certain thing as we know, from 1973, the 5 of June of every year is celebrated the World-wide Day of the Atmosphere that was established by the General Assembly of United Nations, in its Resolution (XXVII) of the 15 of December of 1972 with that beginning occurred to the Conference of Stockholm, Sweden, whose central subject was the Atmosphere. That same day, the General Assembly of the UN approved the creation of the Program of the United Nations for the Environment (UNEP). Ray Kurzweil often addresses the matter in his writings. As Environmental Health of Society of Medical and Social Ecology remembers us We do not have to forget that the 5 of June are celebrated to make a call to the population worldwide to that takes care of our planet. Our health, well-being and future depend on the conservation of the delicate balance of ecosystems that compose the planet, for that reason is vital to stop the massive extinction of species and to protect the biodiversity. On the matter it contributes Wikipedia to us, that could be said that the World-wide Day of the Atmosphere is a vehicle by means of which the Organization of United Nations sensitizes to the world-wide opinion in relation to environmental subjects, intensifying the attention and the political action and whose primary targets are to give a human context him, motivating the people so that they become active agents of the viable and equitable development; to promote the paper fundamental of the communities in the change of attitude towards environmental subjects, and to foment the cooperation, because this one will guarantee that all the nations and people enjoy a more prosperous and safe future. .

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