United States

Thus the Internet comes molding the virtual language, that can be found in sites with interactive programs, each one with its peculiarities and one particular writing, in this environment that influences the language through its members, use that it in its chats. The SITES OF RELATIONSHIP In way the diverse existing sites of relationship, the ones that possess registered in cadastre using greaters are the cited ones, with millions of users above registered in cadastre. Orkut, for example, is a social net filiada to the Google, created in 24 of January of 2004 with the objective to help its members to know people and to keep relationships, the initial target of orkut was the United States, but the majority of the users is of Brazil and India. In Brazil it is the social net with bigger participation of Brazilians, with more than 23 million users in January of 2008. Facebook, is a launched social net in 4 of February of 2004. The website possesss 750 million using users who create profiles with photos and lists of personal interests, changing private and public messages between itself and participants of groups of friends. The MSN, Messenger, is the biggest vestibule of the world with more than 250 million only users, spread for the whole world. Chats is ' ' the meeting point, the table of the bar, the bank of the square, where people of all the country if find for a descompromissado chat or nor tanto' '.

(STORCH; COZAC, 1995). In these sites the types of people are inserted all: children, adolescents, students, intellectuals, insane people, devoid psychological, engineers, pcs hacker, pilots of airplane, all in search of social contact each more difficult time in this war where if she became the life. But, informatoca this gift you do not append in the sites of relacionamente, this inclusa in diverse environments, one of them is the education.

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