In accordance with the cited norm, is necessary to establish criteria for the definition of the level of security that if it intends, with periodic analysis, making possible advances or retrocessions in the scene of ITSELF in the organization. For Wadlow (2000, P. 4), the security is a process, being able simultaneously to apply it the net of telecommunications and the organization withholds that it. In this way, it is necessary to improve the security of the systems and to implement the delineated processes as form to prevent the new threats and techniques that can appear. To improve a system of security of the information is not based only on applying in a set of computers antivirus or barriers of protection (firewalls) linked in the computer network of an organization. To get a system of security of the information it is necessary to understand the security principles so that it can manage cabveis politics and solutions to take care of the necessities of each organization.
To fill the requirements of the security of the information, in accordance with (PIG, 2005), the required necessities are the trustworthiness, integrity and availability of the information used in the systems of information of the organizations, Them demands the implantation of 6 measures of security politics so that it is possible to guarantee the authenticity and not it complete negation of the services that are disponibilizados in the nets of the organizations. It is excellent to understand the principles of security of the information thus to obtain to implement them. In the implantation process it is necessary to obtain to verify tools that assist the user before some imperfection occurs. This process of prevention can be classified in two great indispensable categories: the prevention and the protection of the information systems. The objective to use to the prevention is to have a set of measures to reduce the risk of possible existing imperfections.
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