World Conference Center Bonn

For example on the Career-mile. Among various coaching companies, networks and associations are represented here, that can give you tips on career, as well as reconciling work and family life. The VBM e. V. is represented after the successful cooperation in the past two years here with a stand. “” “The Congress programme can be also seen: more than 40 women and 2 men are 33 articles on the subjects of future management”, career tools & success strategies for women”and balancing work & family” inform. “” “Lectures include: women in leadership and help shape the corporate culture”, women at eye level: what brings you to the top and what not.

“and successful reconciliation begins in the family”. The VBM e. V. is Scout here with a lecture by Cornelia Spachtholz titled time”such as time to success – and feel-good factor will” be represented. More inspiration provide the career talk”and the women MINT slam”. Successful in the career talk”report Women with which strategies have prevailed her in the profession. The women MINT slam”four women exhibit their career paths informative and entertaining in 10 minutes and give insight into their personal leadership strategies and success factors.

In this way, young women for careers in mathematics, computer science, natural science and technology should will be delighted just MINT. All lectures are free of charge, however, there is no standing room and the rooms must be occupied only up to the permitted number of persons. Participants who want to make sure that they have a place in their desired presentations on the day of the Congress, can reserve a seat until June 6.

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