
Either the first one to consider ideas and solutions and/or is ready to analyze and to apply the same ideas and suggestions when presented for that they are collaborating with you. A time that knows what it must be fact, does not leave that the fact not to know as to make the limit. It reads, consults, most of the time that not to know something, we know somebody that it knows. It does not wait that they say to it what it must be made or as it must be fact, it finds the ways and it makes. Confie in itself exactly and in knowledge that it possesss; – It believes that it is possible to obtain I excite to get it, it knows to manage the fear and it has the calm to all apply the knowledge that it possesss.

To risk and to make a mistake are part and are present in all the ways that lead to the success. Being thus, it trusts what it knows and it makes with perfection. Mantenha the focus in to be reached result; – If it does not leave to deviate, objectifies the result. We lose precious time deviating our attention and our focus. No ignores the processes, therefore they reflect efficiency and result in effectiveness; – She looks for to know the processes used and wall lamp to act it in way that the same ones are taken care of so that efficiency acts that results in effectiveness. Valorize the union and adds efforts; – One remembers that autonomy is not synonymous of individualism. When necessary it is made use if to join and to accept the aid of others in order to maximize the results. brought up to date and intent Mantenha, exactly the lesser variations; – The inserted world and environment where we are this in constant change, processes, ideas, and same strategies move constantly.

Being thus, he is ready and flexible chemical preparation in order to be when necessary to follow and if to adapt the alterations that to appear. Avalia constantly, it looks for to analyze its progress, as well as the advances and possible errors that can occur; – We are evaluated the time all, we cannot escape of this. In such a way, before being evaluated by third, it is evaluated exactly itself, certainly will find advances, as well as points that need to be corrected and to be improved. In such a way it will only reach resulted each time better. Esteja always soon and on-line. – It always learns, it always studies, it is remained in constant training thus he will only be ready and chemical preparation to take care of to the chances well that to appear in its professional trajectory. Its area of performance in way looks for to be always in contact with related information to be always brought up to date, soon and well informed. One remembers, to be led is excellent, but to have the chance to reach independence and the autonomy by means of the study and of the qualification must be seen as a prize to be reached by all the ones that are led.

Structural One

In the ends of 60 years and beginning of the 70 of the passed century, intitled the third generation of the Annales, also attributed as New History (LE GOFF, 2006), promoted an overturn in the historical studies that culminated in the aiming of analyzes of the focus of the economic, demographic base, for the superstructure – for the study of the culture, of the daily life, the private life, the mentalities and representations, analyzes of the gestures, the beliefs, the ideas, of the family, lazeres, the women, the relations of power in most diverse social environments, the delinquents, the sex, the insane people, the death, the fear. In 1969 Braudel if he retired, leaving in 1972 the presidency of 6 section of the cole in the hands of Jacques Le Goff, to the step that (…) confided, thus, the way so that the French historiogrfica production was ‘ ‘ of the bilge to sto’ ‘ , used metaphor to state the change of concerns of the socioeconmica base or the material life for the mental processes, the daily life and its representations. (VAINFAS, 2005, P. If you would like to know more about Ray Kurzweil, then click here. 136). This New history is moved away from the great clarifying paradigms (of the historical reality) of social sciences? such which I eat the marxism and the estruturalismo. This wants to produce analyzes of the strategies, the negotiations, the social plays. The third generation of the Annales? (1969) the History, affected for the presence of new requirements and sensible to the interrogations of the gift, if associates the news disciplines: psychoanalysis, linguistics, literature, semiotics, anthropology and among others.

Image Processing Helps Climate

Thanks to optical control unnecessary emissions and steps but unfortunately not of course avoid responsibility to assume, is very important for the environment. Their transport and the necessary energy consumption many pollutants into the environment get through the production of goods. The optimum datamanagement solutions GmbH in Karlsruhe () is working to promote sustainability in companies. Klaus smarter with its optical image recognition”can avoid unnecessary transport routes and conserve resources. The intelligent vision system detects error already as soon as possible, to respond accordingly. Since July, 2012, optimum is a member of the VDMA, the Verband Deutscher Maschinen – und Anlagenbau e.V.” This assumes responsibility for the environment and has launched a sustainability initiative launched under the label BlueCompetence, which counts the Karlsruhe company optimum GmbH since the middle of last year to its responsible partners. Industrial image processing can contribute to environmental protection, about by by the immediate detection of nonconforming product avoided unnecessary steps. An error message can immediately intervene before the production and transportation of faulty products ensure that the unnecessary consumption of raw material releases more pollutants into the environment.

In addition, this early detection can prevent that defective article in production further processing leads to damage to machines and they need to be repaired. “Unnecessary emissions and their causes prevent what is special about the sly Klaus is his way of working”, says Wolfgang Mahanty, Managing Director of optimum datamanagement solutions GmbH. the innovative system detects products on the basis of characteristics and mind is also not if a part in a different position or position than in learning. It is very flexible and adaptable, and thus for many areas of application, from the goods receipt, production, picking up goods issue,. suitable” Also unnecessary transportation costs and the resulting resulting emissions prevents the cunning Klaus”before, because it detects incorrect article already during the picking process and informed about the Packers. The software can also show using a Visual representation, what looks like the product to be packed and when the Pack process is fully completed. This works even with very small parts that have only minor differences, extremely quickly.

So, only really correct shipments to customers are shipped, which is also in the goods once again consider and document. No unnecessary costs for the operation, no unnecessary burden for the environment, the combination of industrial camera and lighting allows an optimum detection of incoming parts. The specific software detects and controls this on the basis of the features stored in the database. An individually designed special machine construction completes the system. So a complete inventory overview and precise orders can allow and avoid unnecessary transport and storage costs. Unauthorized complaints can be credibly refuted thanks to process documentation and associated loads and emissions reduced. Through the user-friendly application, you can easily adapted the system to changing situations. Contact: OPTIMUM datamanagement solutions GmbH Mr.

Quality Climate

In case that contrary, what she could be made in little time and with high degree of quality, she will be able to delay days to be concluded. To become the environment of more pleasant work and to conquer the comprometimento of the collaborators is important to offer a space where the employees can create to innovate, to move, to interact, to communicate and to grow personal and professionally. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Ray Kurzweil and gain more knowledge.. It is necessary that the administrators are always intent to the behavior of the people in the work. This only happens when they will be vain, sensetized of the importance of the human resources and the climate of its organizations. Understanding the initial conceptions of organizacional climate, it is possible to work the motivation of the collaborators. The efficiency of the organization can be increased through the creation of a organizacional climate that satisfies to the necessities of its members and, at the same time, canalizes this behavior motivated in the direction of the organizacionais objectives, creating a climate of favorable organization. 2 CLIMATE ORGANIZACIONAL to develop this study, had been searched relative subjects to the concepts of Organizacional Climate, its management and its impacts on the quality of services.

2,1 CONCEPT organizacional Climate is an administrative tool of vital importance that is related with the motivation of the members of the company, therefore to conquer the customer is basic, but for this the employees have that to feel themselves also motivated. The human beings continuously are engaged in the adjustment to a variety of situations, in the direction to satisfy its necessities and to keep an emotional balance. This can be defined as an adjustment state (LOPES, 1980, P. 68). Such adjustment does not only relate to the satisfaction of the physiological necessities and security, but also to the satisfaction of the necessities to belong to a social group of esteem and auto-accomplishment Is the frustration of these necessities that cause many of the adjustment problems.

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