The development of modern housing and communal services, in particular, urban public utilities inextricably linked to good health utility. Timely current maintenance, routine seasonal preparations and the ability to adequately respond to emergency situations – is a guarantee of reliable and effective functioning of the organization providing compliance with all legal and technical requirements for the maintenance and use of housing and under its control area. The requirements are now requirements for similar organizations, forcing them to store and keep Fund update certain spare parts and consumables for the utility. At the same time, the search and selection of strategic partners to manufacture and supply of these components is becoming more informal. The fundamental criteria for choosing the supplying organizations have traditionally been: a range of necessary components, terms and conditions of supply, price. Of particular interest are the company itself producing the necessary equipment. Unlike most dealers, engaged in the resale of banal product companies, manufacturers are able to respond more flexibly to the demands and wishes of the end customer – to make significant changes in technology and manufacturing processes for production of the well-known equipment and tooling, significantly modify it under the customer's needs, and even develop and produce entirely new designs.
It is to such organizations that have their own production facilities include the company "OOO Lukor." The main activity is production and supplies and utilities selling parts and spare parts for municipal vehicles. In addition to the production of such popular components such as pumps for tank-type vacuum machines KO, KO-503 pump, company provides after-sales service of these products, in addition, for ease of exchange fund partners there are parts of municipal equipment, which drastically reduce the time Utilities downtime during their maintenance and repair. For a long time success in the market for municipal engineering firm "LLC Lukor" had a close partnership relationships with many professional societies, is also producing and supplying a similar product range, which allows the company to offer the most favorable terms a wide range of equipment for municipal vehicles, including a power takeoff for vacuum machines KO, product KOM KO-503 KO tank vacuum machines and parts for them. The company "OOO Lukor" is a continuous process of development, improvement and expanding the list of components and spare parts for these types of equipment.
After that, the pupils will go to make the reading of the text of Vani Kenski (the technologies invade our daily one), with sights to base theoretically what he was argued and analyzed in this first lesson. 2, 3 and 4 LESSONS: In these lessons, we will go to attend the two films: ' ' The war of fogo' ' , aiming at to the magnifying of the agreement of that the technologies do not mention only to the resources and eletroeletrnicos devices of the present time, but that, in contrast, they had always existed since the primrdios of the prehistoric age when the man started to discover techniques and to create instruments to facilitate the proper survival. Film ' ' Much beyond the Jardim' ' ; the objective is that the learning perceive how much the media can influence of positive and negative form the life of the people. Obs: The pupils must register (of written form) the points that consider more interesting, later to elaborate a summary, which will be integrant part the evaluation and note 4,0 will be valid. 5 LESSON: During this lesson, we will go to argue and to plan the elaboration and implementation of the TECHNOLOGICAL SAMPLE in the school. This event is integrant part of the quantitative evaluation and qualitative, note 6,0 will be valid and will be the end item of the work carried through on the subject in question.
The pupils will have to search in the Internet and didactic and paradidticos books, in magazines, periodicals and other material images, texts, news articles that speak on the different technologies already invented by the man. All this coletnea of material will have to be searched and brought for the classroom with sights the creation of panels, you wall that groups and other didactic materials will be produced in. The pupils also will be able to bring interesting objects that had been part of the daily one of the people and that today dactilographic machines, records in vinyl, LP are obsolete (? s, videocassetes, floppies, etc).
One boring night, reclining on the couch, switching buttons on the remote and indifferent looking at flickering images on TV, I wanted something unusual. Well, not so clumsily live fast! And then I decided that something must be do. Well, at least to get acquainted with some thread of a young man for his absence. The street was drizzling rain, and there neochen like … And the soul of something demanded. Picking up a mobile phone, it hit me! Dating SMS! At receipt of this thought everything inside me like a nice shrunk. I immediately started poking at bukovki hoping to collect the message and send it to an appropriate address.
Oh, the feeling like on the first date a couple of minutes … my tube vibrated. Thus began my correspondence. Although the boy was not from my town … Well, to hell with it! Extremely encouraged by fellowship with 'unknown friend', I did not notice the brother came. 'What are you doing? ", Asked it, and then I told him this romantic story. "What do you want to do nothing? Go out and get acquainted with the guys there okay! " …
It was somehow ashamed of … Decided to go to her friend and left a mobile home, that his hand does not itch to stitch sms. Returning from a walk under the rain, I saw reclining on the couch his brother, who enthusiastically read some message. 'What are you doing? "- I asked. He was a little embarrassed at the sight of me and smiled apologetically: 'What cool stuff – dating via SMS! "
I exercised my profession as a pediatrician in Buenos Aires, Argentina, for almost forty years. I think no one has been more concise than me writing a history. When any physician would write for example: a HTSP is a two-year-old who comes to consultation because his mother reported that yesterday afternoon started with vomiting and diarreaa in my hands was transformed into the following: Varon. Two years. Vomiting and diarrhea since yesterday . And I can swear that I am not exaggerating. I hated writing.
Ask a medical history was torture for me because I had to write a lot. And a Dia .. at 65 I can think to say a voy to write a Libroo and not only do they write another soon after. This second novel is still not correct and even when the correction will continue to be riddled with errors as the first, I want to do before uploading. I know that is full of mistakes, and say erroresa a I want to be condescending to myself, because otherwise you should call horroresa syntax. I am fully aware of it.
Is that the only time I studied language in high school was soooo long ago and that I can not get angry if I forget many of its rules. But as one day I said a voy to write a other day I’ll climb o The o Internet and I did even though such errors. And to my complete surprise I found that there were people who started reading the first chapter and continued reading the other to the end and I looked stunned disbelief numbers. To all those people who took the trouble to read them one after another by this interval I thank you. Thanks for the time you have devoted to it. For their patience to continue reading and the wisdom they displayed in forgiving my mistakes. Thank you very much. I got very happy. I only regret that none of them I could comment. Good, bad, fair or terrible. No matter. I was eagerly awaiting a comment. It will be part of my old age a chochera, it prompted me to write, but I really expected it. I have full awareness that they have signs of brain aging me and no one else had to suspect that I was waiting for those comments. But still, waiting or rather the hope. T
The poet will have poetries its in many other publications, to the side other popular poets. Here they are some of the most known poems of Patativa: – The sad departure; – It sings there that I Sing of Here; – Things of Rio De Janeiro; – My Protest; – Mote/Comments – Fish; – The poet of the Roa; – I appeal an Agriculturist; – Hell is existed; – Cow Estela and Boi Fub; – You Remember? – I go vor. very of the talent of Patativa of the Assar meets in records and CDs: – Poems and Songs, 1979. – The land Is Natur, 1981. – I sing Northeastern, 1989. -85 Years of Poetry, 1994.
-85 Years of Poetry, 1997. The traces of Patativa orality of the Assar, although to have innumerable published poems, it did not write none of them. With incredible ability of memorization, the poet decorated all its poems. All the verses that today we can see are thanks to the work of other people who if had pledged in transcribing poems of the poet, either hearing directly of the poet, either through writings. In this way, the patativana poetry strong is marked by the orality. A first element that evidences this orality is the proper poet. As we comment above, Patativa does not write its poetry, only recites them. Same in the transcriptions of its verses, we perceive certain search in if preserving the marks of its pronunciation: ' ' I sing ful and the abroio With all thing daqui: Pra all part I io Vejo a verse bul If the time walking in the valley Behind cure mine male Quero will repar pra As soon as io mountain range I pra top Sees one diluve of rhymes Falling inriba of min' ' (It sings there that I sing here) We see in the stretch above some transcribing words in accordance with the pronunciation poet.
In Gallina Blanca Turkey they are looking for the best lasagna in the network. The good, the sugarcane and above all, the most voted will be who finally is raised with the prize that is quite attractive. Why have launched the contest my lasagna is sugarcane. Through their Facebook page, they invite all users to participate and demonstrate that their lasagna is the best. Amateurs as experts of the kitchen may prove their colinarios skills in a planto so traditional in Mediterranean cuisine such as pasta.Participate is very simple, you just have to enter in my lasagna is sugarcane upload your best recipe for lasagna and make it the most voted. Facebook users themselves will be to decide the winners.
The lasagna with the most votes, will be the hot lasagna and the winner of one of the two awards. Lasagna that will prove to be the most voted you can choose between two prizes: the star of TV on the cooking channel or if you prefer to pass incognito may enjoy a weekend in Rome with a companion. Both awards are an opportunity to make themselves known in the world of cuisine, or the most economical way to discover a city with so much charm as it is Rome. You can also consult the recipes and the range of products on the web: or. If you have not defined what will be your recipe for this contest.
As a result of this study is a proposal of remedial courses for students to start the race for once they are faced with the Subject have overcome the shortcomings of the teachings brought Precedent. ABSTRACT 1. INTRODUCTION The aim of this paper is to propose an analytical program of the subject that takes into account the difficulties encountered by this investigation in relation to the underlying content to the knowledge of the subjects Physics I and II at the University of Information Sciences, and Planning Model for Process Control and Teacher to be taught as a course placement for students of the career in Computer Engineering. Methodological work is the focus of our research, based on the student’s educational needs we have today in our classrooms are not the same as those of students from previous years..
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