Automobile Crane Repairs

The output of automobile crane repairs should be made of engineering and technical personnel responsible for the content of cranes in good condition, according to the schedule repairs approved owner of the crane. In the current repair truck crane provides works TO-2. In addition, it is necessary to disassemble motors and cargo winch mechanism of rotation of the rotary frame to determine the extent Wear and replace the gears, shafts, bearings and brake discs, disassemble telescopic boom to perform its maintenance and repair; check block pulley head, hook hangers and replace worn blocks and replace the defective riveted connections, to edit and welding of metal damaged, remove the observed leakage of working fluid and oil, replace the worn seals; perform control and setup of machines, appliances and devices in accordance with the manual valve, if necessary, make repairs landing gear touch up the damaged surface of the metal and assembly units. Signs of rejection of assembly units and parts, methods to address their injuries and wear during routine repairs are contained in the manual truck crane. Before removing and disassembling assemblies and mechanisms necessary to wash faucet, free of dirt to be dismantling machinery and equipment, to bring parts into position for safe and convenient performance of his labor practices, to merge the working fluid from the hydraulic equipment. Welded and molded parts with assembly units can not be disassembled, except as necessary to restore or replace their constituent parts. When disassembling components parts of the crane should apply measures to eliminate depersonalization components.

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