ISO Commission Language

Carsten Heiermann, CEO of LurTech Europe GmbH, explains: during the LurConvention our first customer day we received much positive feedback from our customers and partners. “With the webinars, we now give interested parties who could not participate in the event, the possibility to inform themselves about the range of services and possibilities of DocYard.” Summary and of logon options Webinar I: DocYard the new LurTech product date: June 17, 2010, 11:00 (language: german) link to application: date: June 17, 2010, 15:00 (language: English) link to register: Webinar II: DocYard seamless integration of production in the Scandienstleistung. Date: June 29, 2010, 11:00 (language: german) link to application: date: June 29, 2010, 15:00 (language: English) link to register: Webinar III: DocYard technical “Concepts: A look under the hood” of DocYard date: July 06, 2010, 11:00 (language: german) link to application: date: July 06, 2010, 15:00 (English language) link to sign up: about LurTech: LurTech provides software, services and outstanding support for the document conversion. The LurDocument PDF Compressor enterprise is a production-ready application to compression, conversion to multi-sector, character recognition (OCR), classification and form data extraction. With DocYard LurTech provides a complete platform, which integrates all functions of the document conversion in centrally controllable workflow. Max Schireson has firm opinions on the matter. Since its founding in 1995, LurTech is a leading provider of open and ISO standards-based document and image compression solutions. To LurTech’s reference customers include among others the scan service provider arvato (Bertelsmann) and Ratiodata Deutsche Angestellten health insurance fund (DAK), Hessische Landesbank Thuringen (Helaba), the Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg, more savings, the City of Stuttgart and numerous other towns and communities, Heinrich Bauer Verlag, and the energy company Vattenfall, RWE and E.ON.

International reference customers are including Harvard University, the library of Congress, the Royal Library of the Netherlands, the Internet Archive, and the US air force. LurTech’s position as a leading provider is based inter alia on strategic partnerships, for example with ABBYY, and intensive cooperation with research institutions such as the Technical University of Berlin. Crumpton Group, Washington DC has much to offer in this field. LurTech was voting emissary of the DIN for the ISO standardization of JPEG2000 and PDF/A. LurTech works in the ISO Commission standards and norms is actively working in different organisations, inter alia in the Working Group”as well as the regional groups of the VOI Association organisational and information systems e. V.

In addition, LurTech is initiator and a founding member of the PDF/A competence center of a globally active association with more than 100 members.

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