Of this form the study the spirit or soul is come back toward. Already in the Average Age, with the appearance of the Christianity short while, the study of the soul it took a route diverse, concerns were located in the postmortem one, consequently the study of the psiquismo. At this time two great philosophers represent this period: Saint Augustin, who inhaled in Plato, made a split between soul and body, for it the soul was not only the headquarters of the reason, but the test of a divine manifestation in the man. Toms Saint de Aquino, who searchs in Aristotle the distinction between essence and existence, considering that the man in its essence searchs the perfection through its existence, affirms that only God would be capable to congregate the essence and the existence, in equality terms. These two the two if detach as studious that they had not left to contribute, of certain form, so that psychology continued its way. In the Renaissance the attention is come back toward the man, ' ' here and agora' ' , it was a decisive time that had prepared the way for the scientific method.
The disruption with the authority and the revelation and the study directed toward the research had been new attitudes that they had prepared the way for the origin of Scientific Psychology. From century XVII, the psychological studies take impulse with the rationalism, the iluminismo and the empirismo, as well as the development of physical and biological sciences, that had been basic so that psychology evolved. We can consider the associationism, this term originates from the conception that the learning if of the one for a process of association of ideas, of simplest to most complex. This movement congregated the English empiristas mainly, as the great cut that purely separates the philosophical phase of the psychology of another one of more scientific character.
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