Important action when understanding that ‘ ‘ This would carry advances in the direction to review the liabilities archaeological that were without protection and compensation for occasion of the construction of hidroeltricos enterprises in a period in Great Brazil (1964? 1985), where we would see of the legal point of view a regimen of exceo.’ ‘ 5 It is certain that all the study the light of Portaria 28/2003 of the IPHAN, will not be carried through inside of a interventiva form, it will discard thus some stages of the archaeological study, excusing what it determines would carry it 230/2002: that ‘ ‘ from the diagnosis and evaluation of impacts, the programs of compatible prospection and rescue with the cronograma of the workmanships and the phases of ambient licensing of the enterprise will have to be presented, of form to guarantee the integrity of the cultural patrimony of rea’ ‘ , since this does not have interventivo character. However, ahead of these information let us can understand that the studies of preventive archaeology carried through for installation enterprises or regularization of Small Central offices Hydroelectric plants the wire d’ water, does not have to be interventivo, this at least in the areas directly affected: having significant fluctuations of the one IN the one of the reservoir, it is not necessary that taking d? water is projected to take care of the depletions of the one IN having significant fluctuations of the one IN the one of the reservoir, is not necessary that the taking d? water is projected to take care of the depletions of the one IN; in a similar way, when the primary aduo is projected through opened canal, the depth of the same will have to be the possible minor, therefore it will not have the necessity to take care of to the depletions; for the same reason, in the case to have necessity of installation of balance chimney, its height will be minimum, therefore the value of the depletion of the reservoir, which enters in the calculation of this height, is worthless; the barrages will be, normally, decreases, therefore they have the function to only deviate the water for the aduo circuit; as the flooded areas they are small, the values expended with indemnities will be reduced..
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