Emergent markets: The Turkish supplier of services Turkcell implanted a joint solution of Cisco and Openet to offer a system of flexible load for the network of data movable of the general service of transmission of packages via radio (GPRS) of Turkcell. In Mexico, Telephones of Mexico (TELMEX) sent Administered Telepresence TELMEX, a plan to commercialize intercorporate services TelePresence de Cisco in Latin America. The Ministry of Technology of the Information and the Communication of Kenya sent the first Pilot Pasha Center through the network in Kangundo with the aim of improving the lives of the local citizens and fomenting new micro-enterprises. In Argentina, Garrahan Hospital improved its experience of telemedicine with Cisco and Telefnica, with the aim of offering sanitary endorsement and remote services in different provinces from Argentina. The experience of provision of video available of Cisco has impelled the launching of a new service of video under demand for the Polish operator of telecommunications ASTER. Europe: The Australian company of software Tiani Spirit implanted a solution of sanitary exchange of information in the Klinikum hospital Wels-Grieskirchen. The electrical company German Yello Strom sent a pilot project of intelligent mains of energy saving to create a system of intelligent energy that communicates on a network IP. The supplier of Swedish telecommunications TeliSonera is implanting a fiber network of point to point based on architecture IP Next-Generation Network (IP NGN) of Cisco. Arnold Clark Automobiles, the main independent concessionaire of automobiles of Europe, uses products of network of Cisco, integrated together in a solution of pursuit of vehicles based on network of Aeroscout to transform the sales of vehicles and the service into Stafford, the United Kingdom. TV 2 Norway selected to a platform of systems of codification MPEG and video IP of Cisco for its new installation of diffusion of digital terrestrial television of high resolution (HD-DTT) in Bergen.
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