It is at least worth talking to you about, which means you’ll have an interview. What if it was only $ 1 million, or $ 100,000? Whatever the number, is money, and what counts. And that, friends, is magic. Everything in the job search process should have a focused target, and done on purpose. The purpose of your resume and cover letter is to force an interview. A strong objective statement that can help. Feel free to start with a sample or three.
Just be sure to modify any of the samples used. Keep the good and discard the bad. But is that the best thing to do? Hardly. I have nothing against objective statements, and you can find some solid examples of resume objectives online. My only complaint is that the use of a solid objective statement is the solution for the good when there is a (usually) the best alternative. That alternative is the summary of the curriculum. Some might call it a “profile” or a “summary of qualifications,” or even “qualifications.” Whatever the name, is a robo-’em-by-the-throat killer. Here is an example of what I’m talking about: ‘ready, results-oriented leader with proven success in managing multimillion-dollar software product releases to different sales channels. Background includes launching a team of experts from highly developed productivity, increase revenue by $ 2.5 million and achieving unit profitability within nine months (six months before the plan), at Widgets, Inc., with the latest technology and feature-rich product known to meet the emissions demand.
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