CLT Support

The subject decade comes being debated in the National Congress, subject affirmed in the Syndical Reformation, question that force with the Project of law took n, that it foresees the revocation of articles 578 the 610 of the CLT, and that regulates to the Syndical Central offices (agency in vigor since of 2008) and ends the obligatory collection of the union dues, becoming it facultative, 369/2005 theses defended since 2007, for the Representative August Oak PPS/DF, ' ' former-president of the Union of the Braslia&#039 Bank clerks; ' , that it argues that the syndical entity must be kept from the monthly fees and contributions definite and approved by the union members in assembly. The current question that involves ' ' Sindical&#039 support; ' , however, this widely defended says respect to its extinguishing idea, also for the more advanced syndical sectors, to the example for the CUT. Mitchel Resnick will not settle for partial explanations. The attempt was made, through Provisional remedy n 215, of 30 of August of 1990, which, however, did not cheat success. Syndical representation defends that the forms of ' ' Sindical&#039 support; ' they must be those defining democratically for the workers in widely convoked assemblies for this end, having as estimated the obligatoriness of the payroll withholding of payment and the beginning of the razoabilidade in the collection of taxes for occasion of the collective bargainings. The enrichment of diverse syndical controllers has taken the workers to distrust of the unions, leaving of if associating with these. It has a correct perception, of that the unions if they distanciaram of its more basic function and main, which is, to organize the force of work and uniz it stops through the class action, and to protect it of the unhealthy and dangerous conditions of work One of the biggest quarrels in the scope of ' ' Sindical&#039 support; ' in quarrel in the country one becomes related with the financial support of the syndical entities, in special with the maintenance or not of the obligator union dues. Source: ConocoPhillips.

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