Therefore, that one that if to become humble as this child, this is the greater in the kingdom of skies. (TM 18:4). We go to remember some orientaes of the Word, that has not covered nine points, but all the situations: ' ' It pardons our sins, as well as us we pardon because to pardon to the men its offences, also your celestial Father will pardon you vs' '. (Mateus 6:12 and 14). ' ' When you will be praying, you pardon, if you tend some thing against somebody, so that your Father who is in skies pardons you your offences. But if not to pardon, also your Father, who is in skies, will not pardon yours ofensas' '. (Landmarks 11:25 – 26). ' ' Before headquarters some stop with the other benign ones and merciful, pardoning you ones to the others, as well as it pardoned you to God in Cristo' '.
(Efsios 4:32). ' ' You heard that it was said: you will love your next one and you will annoy your enemy. Say I you, however: you love your enemies, bendizei the ones curse that you, you make well to they hate that you and you pray for that they maltreat you you perseguem.' ' (Mateus: 43 and 44). Pablo says of Jesus pardoning we, and to whom if they repent, and this involves the biggest offence of all, the rejection of the Son of God, its torture and crucificao, but the reply of Christ we know: ' ' Father, pardons to them because they do not know what fazem' ' (Lucas, 23; 34). If somebody imagines that this was a moment reaction, must remember quetarefa of Jesus in our favor continues, although to be, daily acting in order to overload the reasons by which it was taken to the cross: He was rejected, and the most rejected between the men, man of pains, and tried in the works; e, as one of who the men hid the face, was rejected, and we did not make of it case some.
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