
We remember: about the same time the first world exhibition instead and in the Boer War South Africa was in Paris… Due to its history, the Chinese fight to date against any interference in their internal affairs! The economic international values, rules and middle Western knowledge, English language, Latin script, Arabic numerals, decimal measurement systems and technology (Internet) and legislation (standards (DIN EN ISO 9001), patent and trademarks (, , Nobel prizes) are West (digital think, sense: causal thinking in causes) founded and had to also by the Asians (analog think purpose: Zielfuhrend think) will be accepted.) Historical course of differentiation between West and East: the historical development of mankind (of the speech to the font) It can be shown to the two guiding principles of the Old Testament: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. (Blood revenge, guilt) Remember me so I you. Will help you even help you God. These are the principles of people in indigenous beliefs and clan societies, such as in Asian societies today.

“” The Jew of Jesus made it be: love your neighbor as yourself! “and someone on the left cheek, hits you so even the right stall him!” (Pacifism) “The ten commandments of the Christians were published: you’re not supposed to!” From the English Bill of rights (1689), they overcame the prevailing until then thought of the school and replaced it with the principle of parliamentary sovereignty. Thus was initiated the way political enforcement of human rights. The Declaration of independence of the United States (1776). Declaration of human and civic rights (1789). Only in the West. It developed the individual companies (Zivillisation of the first world): the freedom of Single bordered by the freedom of the others. Today, the monopoly of power and the individual supply lies with the State (separation of powers). In Asia: help friends even helps you God or your karma.

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