Diagnosis Symptoms

Presentacion Clinica: Diagnosis, as in any case of diabetes is based on the characteristic disease symptoms associated with elevated levels of glucose in the blood (hyperglycemia). These symptoms are polyuria (excess urine), polydipsia (intense thirst), polyphagia (very hungry) and weight loss (although one is eating well). These symptoms usually are triggered by infectious processes or States of severe stress that also cause worsening of hyperglycemia. The figures of glucose to make diagnosis are: 1.-2 determinations in fasting of 126 mg on different days with an interval of at least 48 hours between each shot, even without the presence of symptoms. 2 1 figure greater than 200 mg, no matter the time of day, with or without symptoms. 3. 2 or more figures high on a curve of Oral tolerance to glucose (CTOG) carried out with 75 g.

It is a very acute complication in these patients, especially at the beginning of the disease, Diabetic Ketoacidosis, which is nothing more than a severe alteration of metabolism with glucose ranging from 300 to 600 mg and conditioning, by the absence of insulin the accumulation in the blood of acidic substances called ketone bodies. These substances originate hiperacides in the blood which in turn condition pulmonary complications (lack of air and rapid breathing) and kidney they deserve urgent treatment in an intensive care unit. Being a chronic disease diabetes and degenerative, while more time you pass a person exposed to greater hyperglycemia will be the risk of developing chronic complications inherent to this alteration. Such complications occur on average after 10 years of onset of illness and they are in relation to the prior lack of metabolic control. The most commonly affected organs are: eyes: where is developed, cataracts and diabetic retinopathy (that when it is severe can reach up to blindness).

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