Dr Fred Luskin People

(TM 18:21 – 22). In practical terms, we can say that the absence of the pardon is something that cause damages does not stop that one to who hates, but we exactly, therefore we cross the life ' ' mount acima' ' , something that, according to ' ' Art of guerra' ' it produces defeats, and ' ' we drag one weight morto' ' , remembering, every day last dissabores. Let us see stretch of work carried through on the subject: In the scientific field, Charlotte Van Oyen Witvliet, teacher of psychology of the Hope College, in Michigan, U.S.A., and its colleague, had made an experience with 71 volunteers. In it, they were asked for whom if they remembered some old wound, something had made that them to suffer. In this instant, he was registered the increase of the sanguineous pressure, of the beatings cardiopaths and of the muscular tension, identical reactions to that occur when the people feel anger.

when he was asked for that they if imagined understanding and pardoning the people who had made to them badly, they had revealed calm more, and with pressure and stabilized beatings. In 1999, the Dr Fred Luskin created the PROJECT OF the UNIVERSITY OF STANFORD FOR the PARDON, having combined in its dissertativa research one psicoteraputica technique, focando and rational emotividade, with some studies on the impact of the negative emotions, as anger, hurt and resentment in the cardiac system. Luskin describes the pardon as being a form of if to reach the calm and the peace, as much with the other how much I obtain exactly. The therapy that it considers encourages the people to have greater responsibility on its emotions and action, and to be more realistassobre the challenges and falls of its lives. In the Power of the Pardon, it explains the process of formation of a hurt and demonstrates as such fact possesss a paralisante effect in the life of the people, defining novepassosaesterespeito: 1.

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