Materials and Methods the ambient diagnosis of detail is essential to elaborate a digital data base brought up to date in a SIG, with all the georeferenciadas thematic information, from a common base and needs. This base was defined by a Ikonos image, with space resolution of 4 meters, acquired for this specific end. Thus, the elaboration of the map base (map 2) was carried through by the digitalizao of the contours, and the road that surrounds all the island. The place has a maximum length of 10,5 km (direction SO-NE) and 5,7 maximum width of km (IN -); the average contour of the island is of 35,4 km and its 39,9 total surface reaches km (3,990 ha). The road that skirtes the island, partially coated with gross sand, has an extension of 23,9 km.
The elaboration of the socioeconmico data base was carried through through one field research where some information had been collected pertinent. The socioeconmico diagnosis, integrated to the excessively disgnostic sectorial ones and the model of digital rise of the Island, will allow to get a estimate of impact of the projected scenes on areas cultivated e, consequently, on the conditions of existence of the agriculturists. For the generation of the MEDT the attainment of isolinhas of 1 in 1 meter is necessary or less. As these information are not available in existing the topographical letters of bigger detail (DSG), it is necessary to get them for some way. Some methodologies for this exist, as for example, that basing on the overlapping of satellite images and estereoscopia, from which, softwares specific can get the necessary information of altimetry. However, such technique becomes very expensive for analysis of great areas. The map of ground and capacity of use of the land (map. 6) were digitalizado from the original maps of EMBRAPA (CPACT-Pellet). The characterization of ground of the cities of Rio Grande was carried through by W.G.
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