So far, no single method was invented by a survey of buildings damaged by earthquakes, and every expedition to survey fulfills its purpose. However, the goals of this work in the construction industry are clear and there is a determining the factors that affect the behavior of buildings during an earthquake – the instrumental record, subsoil characteristics, geometry and strength characteristics of the plant and its parts. When an construction production is very important in the study of present damage to their full designation and identify their causes: the main shock, aftershocks or exploitation. It is also important to get specific information about the structure that showed little damage. To do this stroitelnomproizvodstve constitute a certain form with photographs of the object and its parts.
Need to fill in a questionnaire study goals after the push, in which the construction production records: Records disaster, the characterization of the device, the coordinates of the epicenter, the subject position of construction industry and the distance to the next station, characterization ground, the height of groundwater; strain, which appeared as a result of past incidents and strong measures taken to resolve them; Strength properties of materials sampling, a detailed picture of all the damage and their photographic images, the life of the building; full report on the state structures. When building production is to be calculated on the seismic effects; identified empirically, since fluctuations in land dynamic characteristics of structures with the record, if there are shared in the same, the same values obtained prior to tectonic movements, brief description and photographic images of conventional structures (fences, pipes, sculptures, lamps, etc.) located near the building; results of the observations in the first place, the objects of construction, which revealed only minor damage or completely preserved, with the results describe the construction, in need of repair, reconstruction, and those who do not fix it. In addition, when construction is carried out production, in a separate document specifies an estimated cost of repair or reconstruction. The role of network Engineering Services seismometric in assessing damage to buildings in Russia to ensure the safety of building production created two organizations: Essno – single office of seismic observations and ISS Engineering and seismic-monitoring service for buildings and structures. These services are designed to complement the construction industry one after another. Essno staffed by many stations across the country, and its purpose are monitoring the ground motion during earthquakes for seismic zoning uluchscheniya in the construction industry.
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