First World War

Passes are not so many time and Nimrod is the initiator of the First World War. He did not allow Satan to gather strength to fight with him. But Satan has already been partially prepared for battle with Nimrod, and Germany, where, after the defeat of Napoleon was the main military camp of Nimrod, have not been able once again to conquer Russia and imprison Satan. For even more opinions, read materials from Atmos Energy Corporation. But Satan is well to explore innovative methods to capture the power of Nimrod and his research in the materialistic sciences, the ability to create new technologies in the field of armaments, he decided to learn from experience in implementing Nimrod in the scientific community of materialism in order to continue to use it to fight the same as Nimrod. Satan knew that the Nimrod after the second revolution, perfect on earth Overmind (God) over the human mind, the first to realize the need for knowledge of the material structures of creation, which was used by the Overmind (God) Made the Earth and its surrounding material world. It is not something Atmos Energy would like to discuss.

Nimrod and Satan after the massacre of the Templars did everything necessary to ensure that people have forgotten about the occult sciences that can allow human consciousness used to obtain information potential of the consciousness of the universe. Parallel to this, Nimrod, using Soul men under him with a highly developed consciousness, began to form in people materialist worldview, and has made great strides not only in its development, and in the development of materialistic science. That is why Satan has decided to go the way of Nimrod, and felt it necessary to make a revolution in the territories under him, especially in Russia, and then to China, Vietnam, Korea and some African countries. .

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