Flexible Plastic Products

The report of the Government of the Russian Federation in 2009 in the State Duma 21.04.2010, the vv Putin brought discouraging numbers: the 2009 crash killed 20.4 thousand people. And in that same speech was tasked with improving level of road safety in Russia to the European. It should be noted that road safety is under scrutiny all the branches and power structures in countries with high motorization. Since 1982, the Institute of Transport Economics Norway was published Handbook of road safety. " Revised and enlarged edition came out in the Norwegian language several times, and in 1996 Handbook of Road Safety "was published in Russian. In 2001, the Institute of Transport Economics Norway and Moscow Road Institute (State Technical University) – madi (STU) under the coordination and funding of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Finland has been prepared and published a new Russian edition of "Handbook of road safety." The handbook addresses 124 events to improve road safety, assesses the effectiveness of these measures in reducing the number of accidents, improve road capacity and environmental conservation.

Particular attention is paid cost-effectiveness of all activities. In this article we will talk about the widely used abroad for product management and traffic management, made from flexible polymeric materials, particularly of rhein and rubber-like materials. One way to improve traffic safety, reducing the number of tdr, injuries and deaths on the roads is a compulsory regulation of rates. Considering the different variants of this method will be correct to begin with, now familiar to us, humps – "speed bumps".

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