High technology and the SDA we all, by definition, and most of the pedestrians. As the authors of the "Golden Calf" We need to love. But the amazing thing: instant metamorphosis – that we are pedestrians, and opa-on, is drivers. And if Ten minutes ago, we grumbled: – Where the rod, color blind, red with green, can not tell! – now the direction of our stimuli rotated 180 : – Sheep, the same way, and not the sidewalk, what are you here poperlis! When we pedestrians to us interesting to talk: we are literate, even intelligent, love children, respect for old age, but where it all happens to us is only just put his hands on the steering wheel. Sitting behind the wheel, we are always in a hurry, and we always interfere around. The greatest cause irritation just kids (why no one is look after) and old (would sit at home and did not prevent the young). Losing precious seconds on the recently only loved and respected, we are relativists: combine space and time. Stop the car at traffic lights or stop line can only half-taught kettles, any professional driver knows the car at a red light must stop for traffic lights best at a crosswalk, just then, and then if we are lucky, our Lendkruizer or Porsche will have time to ride the intersection. I would like to hear what the drivers say, if I wait enable signal lights in the middle lane, because I'm not going to interfere with anyone: no trams – obedut.
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